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currently solar panels account for 0.1 percent of all U.S power could provide 10 percent of U.S. electricity by 2025

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Q: What can solar panels provide us with at home?
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Which states use the most solar panels in the us?

Arizona uses the most solar panels.

What is a residential solar power project in the US?

A residential solar power project in the US is a project within a particular residential area or street to equip each house with solar panels. This helps reduce harmful emissions and reduces the cost of running a home.

What are solar panels good for?

they are good for us, because they provide energy, hot water, and light without wasting money every month. they are also good for our earth and environment.

Why are solar panels used?

Solar panels can be used to generate a portion of your home's power in order to reduce your dependency on traditional power sources. For instance, you can install panels to provide electricity just for appliances or lighting, to reduce your dependency on the utility company, as well as lower your bill.

Where are solar panels made?

Top solar panels manufacturing companies are in canada, US, Mexico, Germany, Italy, China, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan

How do solar panels help us?

they conserve energy and help the planet from global warming

How do solar panels help us reduce the amount of fossil fuels we use?

Solar panels produce electricity without greenhouse gas emissions and therefore we don't need to use fossil fuels as much?

Why are solar panels used in our lives?

They are used in our lives to help us from paying lots of money for power so thats why people buy solar panels and the rest of the money can go towards the water bill

How much does it cost to manage solar panels?

An average American family, living in a 3-bedroom home will require a 1.5 - 3kW system, which will cost between US $13,000 and US $27,000, before rebates.

What are the cheapest solar panels or photovoltaic panels?

They are both the same thing. Solar panels is just another name for PV or photovoltaic panels.As for the price, you have to do research in your local area, as prices differ all over the world. Solar panels are getting cheaper every year, with the price for large quantities in July 2012 at less than US$0.70 per watt.

Why don't we have more solar panels in the US?

The cost of available technology continues to keep average people from buying solar panels. With the price per watt still at or over the $10 range, many of us are still waiting for the promised dollar-per-watt panel.

What is the disadvantage of using solar cells?

The major disadvantage of solar power or solar energy is the cost of the photovoltaic panels. The location of your home in relation to sunlight, how many hours per day of sun you receive, and the amount of energy you use monthly determines the size of the photovoltaic panels. Estimates range between $7--10 per square foot for photovoltaic panels. The average price for a home is typically around $20,000 and can be much higher. Ahead of the curve companies are starting to provide more reasonably priced options, as they see the value in making solar home energy affordable and available to wide range of the public. Local and state governments are working hard to help offset high costs with subsidies, tax breaks, and tax credits. However, the average cost remains relatively high a home with solar panels is going to pay around 30 cents per Kilowatt hour after you factor in the cost of the solar panels, compared to a home on the electrical grid that pays around 9.5 cents per kilowatt hour. As you can see, photovoltaic panels cost three times as much per kilowatt hour. Another disadvantage of solar power is the fact we do not have the technology to use solar panels effectively in places without ample sunshine. Most of us don't live in sunny places like Florida, Hawaii, or portions of California. The majority of people live in areas that are seasonal and when daylight hours are shorter, the amount of energy solar power panels can produce is limited or nonexistent. Without the sun, solar panels are useless because there is no "solar power." There are ideas floating around about building solar power towers. These solar power towers would work much in the same way our current electricity producing plants work today. They would be in a centralized locale and provide energy to the surrounding area. Unfortunately, the idea is still in its early stages and the projected cost is extremely high. Although the disadvantages of solar energy are undeniable at this point, there is ample reason to have hope for the future. The interest in alternative energy and specifically solar energy is growing, and as more people demand this technology, the more that funding and research will increase.