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Q: What can sting horses other than bees?
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Do butterflies sting?

The queens and workers can but their sting does not have barbs like a the honeybee, so they can sting more than once. Male's cant sting because they don't have a stinger. Males have a genital capsule for mating.

Can bees sting other bees?

Yes, they can -- and do!Bees entering the hive are checked by the guard bees to see whether they belong to that colony. If an unrecognized bee is carrying nectar or pollen and behaves in a submissive manner when challenged, more than likely it will be allowed in. If it is carrying nothing, or if it doesn't submit then it will be repelled. If it persists, the guard bees will sting it and kill it.

Why do wasps not die when they sting you?

Unlike bees, wasps have a smooth sting and can easily withdraw it after stinging. They can also sting more than once.

Are hornets more dangerous than bees?

Hornets are much bigger and their sting is much more painful than bees. Hornets can also sting more than once because it doesn't detach form its body unlike bees. Hornets tend to be more agressive than bees, but they are much less aggresive in general than wasps.

Why can't a honeybee sting you twice?

The first time it stings you, its stinger comes off, usually stuck in your skin. A bee's sting has barbs at its tip, so that it cannot be pulled out as easily. When the bee frees itself from the sting, much of its organs are pulled out with it, and so the bee will soon die.

Do mason bees sting?

Yes, mason bees sting if they are female even though no, they do not if they are male. Female mason bees sting, less painfully than honey bee or wasp stings, only if they're in serious danger, such as being trapped in clothing or getting purposely caught in the hand. Male mason bees have male genitalia instead of an ovipositor, and therefore they cannot sting.

Why are killer bees dangirous?

They are more dangerous, not because their sting is any worse than that of any other honey bee, but because they are more defensive so are far more ready to sting, and tend to sting in larger numbers.

Can male bee sing?

No, male bees (drones) do not have a sting. Worker bees (all female) have a barbed sting which is left behind when the bee stings. The bee will then die. The queen bee has a smooth sting which she can withdraw, so she is able to sting more than once.

Can bumblebees sting?

Yes. They can sting if provoked but rarely will as they are not aggressive to people or pets as other wasps are. Their stinger is used for immobilizing it's prey which is primarily the black widow spider. See the related link for more information.

Are bees nicer than wasps?

yes a wasp will sting you if they bump into you and if it is by your eye they will sting hard! Honey bees are nicer. Killer bees will attack just as wasps.

Does the queen bees sting hurt more than other bees?

This is hard to answer. First queen bees do not normally leave the hive and thus rarely have the opportunity to sting humans. Normally a queen only users her stinger to kill other queens to eleminate competition. A queens stinger has no barb. Female worker bees that defend the hive have barbed stingers. Their stingers pull free from the bee, remain in the skin and even work further in. And, their stinger continues to release venom after it is detached from the bee. Since a queen's stinger is smooth (no barb) this allows it to be kept after a sting and thus she can sting multiple times.

Do the black bees of Vista California sting?

No, the black bees of Vista, California, do not sting if they are male carpenter bees even though yes, they do sting if they are European dark bees. The female carpenter bee (Xylocarpa spp) has a stinger that tends not to be used unless hand-trapped or provoked. European dark bees (Apis mellifera mellifera) tend to use their stingers more against predatory wasps than against beekeepers and gardeners.