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Q: What can students do to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
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How does planting trees help reduce the greenhouse effect?

Trees sequester (store) carbon for long periods of time. When the tree dies, or is burned up in a fire, that carbon is released back into the atmosphere. Trees harvested for lumber continue storing most of the carbon they have sequestered.

Does a catalytic converter helps to reduce the greenhouse effect?

As the catalytic converter emits CO2 and H2O in the air. The gasses absorbe infra red radiation emitted by the earth and re-radiate the energy as heat back towards the earth. So the more CO2 and H2O emitted to the air the more heat there will be. So no, the catalytic converter does not help reduce the greenhouse effect.

Should countries be able to buy greenhouse gas quotas from other countries and so in effect pay for the right to pollute more or should polluters simply be heavily taxed if they exceed their own quota?

The process of emissions trading is met with resistance by some people but deserves consideration. In the case of greenhouse gases (the agent in climate change) the answer is fairly obvious. A few facts:GHG emissions affect the entire Earth, No matter where they are produced they impact everyone. In the same way, when reduced anywhere they reduce the overall GHG emissions for the benefit of the entire world.Some companies which produce these emissions are in a position to reduce their emissions, others because of plant age, technology, availability of fuel etc cannot.Companies that are technically able to reduce their emissions cannot because they either have no way of paying for the improvementsSome companies that are emitting GHGs cannot shut down to reduce their emissions because f the need for their product. As an ample the only power plant in an area must continue to work.Based on these facts an company paying for mission reductions ar any other company is in effect reducing the overall GHG emissions for theatre Earth by the same amount as if they reduced their own emissions. They should be allowed to do so.In the same manner a company that reduces its emissions below the mandated levels has done a service to the planet and should be allowed to profit from it. They can, in effect, sell the benefit they have created to a company that cannot do a similar feat.Many jurisdictions impose a carbon tax for GHG emissions. The money collected is routed to firms that cannot pay for improvement. This is essentially the same as everyone in a community participating in a park cleanup day. Some residents do more, some benefit from the process more than others. However the general impact is that everyone has cleaner park at the end of the day.This can be scales up to countries. if a country cannot meet the expected GHG control because of circumstance but can help another country heavily reduce its emissions (as an example sell gas for power generation to replace coal) it sbould be allowed to claim some of the benefit.As far as punitive measures for counties meeting not meeting GHG levels of emission there are none and no way of enforcing them if there were,

Why do you think greenhouse gases get that nickname?

Because they have the same effect as a greenhouse. They trap heat inside them, just like a greenhouse does to help the plants grow.

What does it mean to cap greenhouse-gas emissions?

To cap means to stop, to put a cap on something. If an industry is producing greenhouse gas, then the government will legislate a cap, meaning it will only be allowed to produce this much greenhouse gas. "Capping greenhouse gas emissions" is the point at which greenhouse gas emissions stop. Each year the cap will be lowered so greenhouse gas emissions will start to decline.

Related questions

What are green house emission?

There are four different greenhouse emissions that help to reduce the emissions on the earth. These four include methane, carbon dioxide, fluorinated gases and nitrous oxide.

How can you reduce emissions?

We can reduce emissions by recycling waht we can and walking, cycling or taking public transport! HELP SAVE OUR WORLD!

Why does planting millions of trees help reduce the greenhouse effect?

Planting millions of trees help to reduce greenhouse effect. These trees absorb carbon dioxide which is one of the major greenhouse gas.

How do solar panels help us reduce the amount of fossil fuels we use?

Solar panels produce electricity without greenhouse gas emissions and therefore we don't need to use fossil fuels as much?

What you can do to help the animals to survive?

Reduce your greenhouse gas emissions. The best way to do this is to switch to a vegan diet and try to live as sustainably as possible (reduce, reuse, recycle). You can also donate to several different organizations dedicated to such causes, such as the world wildlife fund and greenpeace.

Why should the UK try to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases?

(Another contributor wrote:)If we choose to do what we can to reduce greenhouse gases, we can help prevent global warming. Global warming is predicted to cause potentially catastrophic climate change, rising sea levels, loss of wildlife habitat and biodiversity, and serious economic harm in the medium and long term.

Why are car manufacturers trying to reduce their carbon footprint?

because it upsets environmentalists and they want to appear like they care about the planet, this may also make people want to buy their cars because they think the company is trying to help the planet. Many countries have passed laws to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, like the carbon dioxide released when petrol is burnt. Cars have to reduce their emissions or they can not be sold.

Can I reduce my car's emissions by changing the catalytic converter?

A new catalytic converter will help to reduce your car's emissions, you can also take your car to a local garage and have them perform tests on it to see how else emissions can be reduced

How can hydroelectric can help the planet?

Hydroelectric power involves using the momentum stored in running water to drive a turbine, in which said turbine will generate power via electromagnetic fields running through the generator. It is one of the many alternatives to fossil fuels (coal and petroleum), which is still the predominant source of power in the modern world. Because of how it works, it produces no emissions and when used in the long run, can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the long run when combined with other alternative power sources that do not produce a significant amount of emissions. By reducing the overall emissions, we can reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere insulating the Earth and trapping heat that will cause global warming.

What is the purpose of an exahust emisson system?

it is to reduce emissions from your vehicle to help the environment

How can local councils help to reduce carbon emissions?

Local councils can help reduce carbon emmissions by ensuring that..... HOLD ON! Im not doing your Homework mate!

Does tourisim in antarctica affect it?

showing people Antarctica will help them to reduce greenhouse gases