

What can teens sell for money?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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stolen goods


anything of value

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Q: What can teens sell for money?
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What are ways for teens to make money by selling products to classmates?

Ipods. They sell fast and bring in the money. Try, get a cheap one and sell it for more money. I recently sold an ipod 4g 32gb that i bought for $100 for $200 so i doubled my money.

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On this website they sell really good clothing for teens and the cost is under $20 so you can save money and buy good clothing for your kids

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Teens are too materialistic

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There are many retail stores that sell jean shorts for teens. The most popular stores to purchase jean shorts for teens are Hollister Co., Abercrombie, Levi, and Forever 21.

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Why are stores like pacsun and Hot topic expensive?

There is a higher demand for the clothing they sell. They aim it at teens because teens have a higher disposable income and therefore are willing to spend more money on nice clothes. So Pacsun jacks up their prices.

Where do teens shop?

in shops that sell the latest fashion trends and have good sales, and sell teen sizes.

What are the economic benefits of marketing to teens?

They have money.

Why do teens want to earn money?

Because they need money for stuff they want

What are some good gift ideas for teens?

Coming from a teen, you should know that teens like the latest gadgets and technology. If you are not willing to put up that money, teens like money and giftcards to their favorite stores the most.