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The causative bacterium is Clostridium tetani, and it isn't a problem in open wounds because oxygen kills the bacteria. However, in deep wounds that do not have exposure to atmospheric oxygen, C. tetani will multiply and create the tetanus exotoxin, which is then released into the surrounding tissues. This toxin causes your nerves to fire spasmodically, which locks your muscles into rigid paralysis and is extremely painful. Without treatment, tetanus is typically a fatal condition.

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Q: What can tetanus do to your open cuts in your body?
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Related questions

How often horses should receive tetanus vaccinations to insure?

Horses need a tetanus shot once at year and probably a booster if they are injured with cuts or open wounds.

How does tetanus attack?

by going through cuts it is found in dirt

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How does tetanus spread and attack?

Tetanus attacks in open wounds, such as a fresh cut. When soil, saliva, or even feces gets into contact with it, Clostridium tetani attacks the body. Also, Tetanus can occur when rusty nails puncture the skin. Tetanus occurs in the Central Nervous System(brain and spinal cord).

How can Tetanus affect your body?

Tetanus makes you really really horny

What are the most effective weapons against tetanus?

shots but if you stop getting them you will have tetanus again also having clean cuts no wound don't have dirt or soil on you

Do Tetanus vaccine contains killing tetanus organisms?

no.. when you get a vaccine it gives you a little bit of the bacteria from the disease so your body builds an immunity to it. So no, the tetanus vaccine DOES NOT kill tetanus organisms, but deposits tetanus into your body! sounds crazy right?

How does the tetanus attack and spread?

Tetanus attacks in open wounds, such as a fresh cut. When soil, saliva, or even feces gets into contact with it, Clostridium tetani attacks the body. Also, Tetanus can occur when rusty nails puncture the skin. Tetanus occurs in the Central Nervous System(brain and spinal cord).

Who can get tetanus?

Tetanus is most commonly found in dirt. If it has access to the blood stream via open skin, you will get infected. Anyone can get it, that is why we have the tetanus vaccine.

What is the drug classification of tetanus toxoid?

The drug classification of tetanus toxoid is a vaccine. Tetanus toxoid works by helping the body to build up immunity to tetanus.

Cuts open and examines a dead animal?

Cuts open and examines

How does tetanus attack the body?

It is an infectious often fatal disease characterised by violent tonic muscles spasms and rigidity caused by toxin of Clostridium Tetani. C.Tetani are gram positive strictly anaerobic and bear spores. most of the species grow as saprophytes in soil.Wound infections from bacteria. Tetanus bacteria is found in feces of animals Clostridium tetani the bacterium that causes tetanus needs to enter a cut or deep wound.