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Q: What can the relationship of the American bullfrog and the native frog species be categorized as?
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What is the species of a bullfrog?

The bullfrog otherwise known as the American bullfrog is a member of the family Ranidae. The frog can be found in large bodies of still water such as swamps, ponds, and lakes.

What is a members of a species?

The bullfrog otherwise known as the American bullfrog is a member of the family Ranidae. The frog can be found in large bodies of still water such as swamps, ponds, and lakes.

How are living things are categorized?

Living things are categorized by species

What is the scientific name for Bull Frog?

The Scientific name for a bullfrog is Rana CatesbianaRana catesbeiana (sometimes also seen as Lithobates catesbeianus)The scientific name of the American bullfrog is Rana catesbeiana

Is bullfrog is endangered species?

Not necessarily, the common bullfrog in North America and Africa, etc. is not endangered but the more rarer species is obviously endangered because of the declining numbers by people killing them as 'trophies'.

What is the species of frog beginning with b?

Bullfrog Barking Tree Frog

How many classifications of species are there?

IUCN categorized MAJOR threatened species UNDER

Is a bullfrog reptile?

no it is an amphibian, just like all the other frog species

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"plankton" is categorized as the evil green species underground that wants to steal the krabby patty secret formula!

Are Indian elephants and endangererd species?

Yes, it's categorized as endangered

What animals do you need to crossbreed a bullfrog?

you can't cross breed reptiles or amphibians. you might be able to cross breed color variants of the same species for example an albino bullfrog can breed with a regular bullfrog or a "standard" ball python can breed with a spider ball python i hope this helps

What is the bullfrogs average size?

I'm not sure what kind of bullfrog you're talking about (American or African) so I'll give you both of their sizes American Bullfrog- 3.6 to 6 inches African Bullfrog- 6 to 10 inches