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the biochemical indicators employed to detect the presence of cancers are collectively reffered to as tumor markers. these are abnormally produced molecules of tumor cells.tumor markers that have proved to be clinically useful are included in the selected list. they are:

oncofetal antigens- carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA).

alpha fetoprotein(AFP)

cancer antigen-125.

hormones- human chorionic gonadotropin.



enzymes- prostatic acid phosphatase.

neuron specific enolase.

specific proteins- prostate specific antigen.


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Furman Metz

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2y ago
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13y ago

Tumor markers can be used to identify different types of cancer. They can also be used to see how cancer responds to different treatments. For more information please see the below related link.

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13y ago

to monitor patients for recurrence of tumors following treatment

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13y ago

Tumor marker tests are performed in a lab using immunological techniques. A sample of blood or other tissue is mixed with a substance containing specific antibodies to each tumor marker.

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What are tumor markers most frequently used for?

Monitoring cancer treatment is the most common use of tumor markers. As cancer is reduced, levels often decrease. Stable or increasing levels often indicate that the cancer is not responding to treatment.

What can markers be used for?

Tumor markers can be used to identify different types of cancer. They can also be used to see how cancer responds to different treatments. For more information please see the below related link.

What has the author J E Roulston written?

J. E. Roulston has written: 'Serological tumour markers' -- subject(s): Biological Tumor Markers, Diagnosis, Diagnostic use, Neoplasms, Tumor markers

What are common uses of immunoassay test results?

measurement of drugs, hormones, specific proteins, tumor markers, and markers of cardiac injury

What is a tumor marker?

Tumor markers are substances, usually proteins, that are produced by the body in response to cancer growth or by the cancer tissue itself.

Can smoking pot affect the results of tumor markers?

No but it effects how you dance in public places.

What tumor markers to be tested for ovarian cancer?

the biochemical indicators employed to detect the presence of cancers are collectively reffered to as tumor markers. these are abnormally produced molecules of tumor cells.tumor markers that have proved to be clinically useful are included in the selected list. they are: oncofetal antigens- carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA). alpha fetoprotein(AFP) cancer antigen-125. hormones- human chorionic gonadotropin. calcitonin. catecholamines. enzymes- prostatic acid phosphatase. neuron specific enolase. specific proteins- prostate specific antigen. immunoglobulins.

What can you use to lower your tumor markers?

Please ask your doctor or oncologist. This not a site for medical advice.

What are the tumor markers?

the biochemical indicators employed to detect the presence of cancers are collectively reffered to as tumor markers. these are abnormally produced molecules of tumor cells.tumor markers that have proved to be clinically useful are included in the selected list. they are: oncofetal antigens- carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA). alpha fetoprotein(AFP) cancer antigen-125. hormones- human chorionic gonadotropin. calcitonin. catecholamines. enzymes- prostatic acid phosphatase. neuron specific enolase. specific proteins- prostate specific antigen. immunoglobulins.

How do tumor markers measure the effectiveness of medical treatment?

A decrease in the levels of the tumor marker during treatment indicates that the therapy is having a positive effect on the cancer, while an increase indicates that the cancer is growing

What precautions are followed in use of tumor markers?

When a marker is used for cancer screening or diagnosis, the physician must confirm a positive test result by using imaging studies, tissue biopsies, and other procedures.

What element is used in permanent markers?

your mom is foud in markers.