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Q: What can we see that god cannot see?
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Why can you not see God?

Human beings cannot see God because He is a Spirit and He will not reveal Himself to anyone's eyes.

Is God still with us?

Look, God is always with us. The only thing is we cannot see Him.

Can you love God without knowing Him?

God cannot be known. God has to be realized and we can love God when we start our journey with God. It starts with believing in God, having faith in God, then having hope, trust and living with enthusiasm. When we realize God is everywhere, when we see God in a little flower, in a singing bird, when we see God in you and me, then we don't have to know God because God is in everything, God is everywhere. God cannot be defined, God cannot be known, we cannot find God, we have to realize God and the way to realize God is to love God, is to yearn for God more than you yearn for your beloved, for gold, for anything and anybody. When we yearn for God, then we realize God, we will become one with God.

What can we see but God cannot see?

Past sins that have been forgiven, and now covered by Christ's blood.

Can you see god in real life?

No, you cannot see God, but you can realize God in real life. Can you see electricity? No, you can't. But you can see the bulb glow that shows the presence of electricity. So also God is an energy and that energy is in everything, in you, and me, and in all that moves and crawls in the universe. Unfortunately, we are trying to see God, to find God, which we can't. We have to realize God by opening our real eyes.

Why god is invisivle?

As humans, we sin. that's a fact. God be with sin and we cannot handle the sight of perfection. so we cannot see god on earth because we would not be able to intake his image. i hope this helps:)

Can god be seen by th physical eye?

God cannot be seen by the physical eye. God cannot be found. God has to be realized. God is a power. It is like asking - can we see electricity with the eye? We can't see electricity but we can see the bulb glow because of electricity. We can see the motor turning because of electricity and we can realize there is electricity. So also, those who realize God experience God in all His manifestations. God is everywhere, in everything. Unfortunately, we are trying to find God in a statue, in a saint, in a temple, in a church. We must change our search. We must try to realize God, try to experience God, not try to find God, see God or touch God. God is a power that is within us, we are searching outside, how can we see God?

Is god is visible?

God is a holy spirit which can't be seen but can be felt except maybe if he wants you to see him (read the bible) Answer #2 Everything in this whole cosmo, this whole universe, this whole world is a composite of energy. These energy is visible within that realm of existence; e.g. you cannot see the 'ghost being' in the ghost realm, likewise you cannot see god being in god realm.

What can humans do that the rest of God's creation cannot do?

Serve God with free will. Even angels cannot do that. See also:Is there evidence for Creation?Can you show that God exists?

What is the most commonly asked religious question?

for Christians.. "how do you have a relationship with God if you cannot physically see or talk to him" or "how do i know my God is truly the creator"

What did Jesus mean when he cannot see the kingdom of God?

In the Gospel of John, Jesus tells Nicodemus "Unless a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God". (John 3:3). See can be taken in at least two senses here. First, "See" as in to comprehend and understand, such as when we "see" the answer to a problem. Second, "see" as in to enter in to reach or achieve, as when we speak of a team "seeing victory. Therefore we can say that Jesus means both that unless someone is born again they cannot perceive or understand the Kingdom of God, and neither can they enter into or receive that Kingdom.

Why aren't the Muslims allowed to see their god?

because Allah is supreme human can't affort the holy light of Allah and will be distroyed there are many things we cannot see for ex: radioactivity that we cannot see it but it can even kill us