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Contribution to the environment has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Gay people contribute in exactly the same way straight people contribute.

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Q: What can you contribute in our environment as a gay person?
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Related questions

What can a gay person contribute to our society?

A gay person can contribute in any way that a straight peron can contribute: getting an education, working hard, getting married, raising good children, and doing charity work, among other things.

Can gay people adapt to the environment?

All people, gay or straight, adapt to their environments. But if you are asking if a gay person can become straight, the answer is no. It's not possible.

Can environment and society cause person to become gay?

No. Environment and society can only contribute to a person's safety over admitting and expressing their sexuality. This plays a hand in the evolution of the person's self and the dissonance or comfort they experience with their own identity. The sexuality itself is not a choice. There have also been a many studies since the late 1990s that track children raised by two gay parents, for example. Children of gay households tend to be heterosexual (which holds to population numbers, and so makes sense given the genetic and prenatal hormonal components thought to cause sexuality variants). If someone was going to be "environmentally influenced" those children should have a front row seat. A gay-positive environment is not enough to overcome biology. Ultimately, given all this, the conclusion is: you're gay, or you're not. Environment and society just determine how comfortable you can be and still be yourself.

Can abuse cause a girl to turn gay?

No. In fact, it's impossible for any straight person to turn gay. Sexual orientation doesn't change, no matter what environment the person is in.

How did ancient rulers contribute to the environment and who?

they did not contribute at all

Do all royal navy officers turn gay at some point?

No. In fact, it's impossible for any straight person to turn gay. Sexual orientation doesn't change, no matter what environment the person is in.

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Industries mostly contribute to the pollution of the environment.

Why does this girl say your going to turn gay at the age of 17?

Because she has absolutely no understanding of human sexuality

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this is awesome! GAY!

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