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if there is no peace there is no what we called LOVE

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Q: What can you do as young citizens to bring about peace and order in your community?
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What is the advantages of having a peace and order in a community?

the advantage of having peace in the community is that the community can live their life

How the unification of China achieved?

By Confusianism, a system of beliefs taught that people need to have a sense of duty to faimly and community in order to bring peace to society.

How was unification of China achieved?

By Confusianism, a system of beliefs taught that people need to have a sense of duty to faimly and community in order to bring peace to society.

What was the result of the unification of Japan?

By Confusianism, a system of beliefs taught that people need to have a sense of duty to faimly and community in order to bring peace to society.

How can students helps to bring peace In the country?

They can start in their own community and help stop gangs.

How can you maintain the peace and order to your community?

You can maintain peace and order in your community by promoting open communication, fostering respect among community members, establishing clear rules and boundaries, and addressing conflicts through peaceful means like mediation or community dialogue. It's important to prioritize the well-being and safety of all community members to create a harmonious living environment.

How do you bring peace in your country?

Bringing peace in a country requires cooperation from all sectors of society, including government, community leaders, and citizens. Initiating dialogues, promoting inclusivity, addressing the root causes of conflicts, and investing in education and social programs are key steps to fostering peace. It also involves promoting tolerance, understanding, and working towards common goals for stability and harmony.

What was Queen Elizabeth's main goal?

Queen Elizabeth's man goal was to bring order and peace to England, to protect the people as if they were her children.

In what ways did muhammad's move to the city of yathrib reflect his success as a leader?

Yathrib's residents had asked Muhammad to move to the city in order to bring strong leadership and peace. They sought Muhammad's counsel in brokering a peace between the warring tribed of Aws and Khazraj.

What is the verb for peace?

The verb for peace is "to pacify." It means to bring peace or calm to a situation.

Importance of commercial law in South Africa?

to maintain peace, security and order. it is important for moral value and proving for the changing needs of a developing community to maintain peace, security and order. it is important for moral value and proving for the changing needs of a developing community

What did Europe do to bring order after the war?

After the war europeans decided to start the european union(EU) in order to maintain peace.