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If it is a true dry socket, you can go to the dentist that removed the tooth and they can pack the whole with medicated gauze. You can also try putting a tea bag over it and firmly but gently biting down. Just a little more pressure than is needed to hold the tea bag in place.

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Q: What can you do for a painful dry socket?
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You have had a tooth removed on monday and the socket is white inside and painful?

you have a dry socket and need to go back to the dentist and get it drilled out

Can you suck your area of tooth extraction?

you should not suck on your extraction socket. The increased pressure can lead to dry socket, which is very painful. Your friendly oral surgeon.

How soon can you eat after having a dry socket treatment?

Eating after treatment of a dry socket when a tooth was pulled, is usually a matter of comfort. Try not to eat anything like nuts, that will lodge in the socket. You may want to stick to liquids or puddings for a day, to allow the dry socket time to heal, and so you won't be biting on a painful surface.

Following a tooth extraction 11 days ago you can feel what appears to be part of the tooth in the socket and every time you eat or drink the socket is extremely painful is this OK?

If you still feel what may be part of your tooth left in the socket, that is not good. I would suggest seeing your dentist, or oral surgeon about this as part of your tooth may have broken in the process of the extraction. If there is no partial tooth remaining, you may have what is called dry socket, which is extremely painful. This website will explain "dry socket" to you:

What will Smoking after having tooth pulled will do?

Smoking after an extraction can lead to dry socket. Dry socket is a very painful condition to have. It's best to wait 48-72 hours after having a tooth pulled to resume smoking, spitting, or drinking via a straw.

You want to smoke but you just had your wisdom teeth pulled?

No if you do you will get dry socket and that is the most painful experience I ever had. Getting the wisdom teeth out was nothing compared to the dry socket. I fell down in the shower with pain and I had to go to the doctor everyday to get novacaine packed in my tooth it was so painful please dont smoke or drink through a straw after surgery.

What happens to an untreated dry socket?

An untreated dry socket can lead to infection.

My sockets don't hurt but are empty is that dry socket?


What is a dry socket in dentistry?

Dry socket is a complication of a tooth extraction it means you lost the blood clot that filled the tooth socket after extraction and the socket becomes dry and leaves the jawbone exposed. When bone in the human body is exposed it is excruciatingly painful. This tends to happen with teeth normally on the bottom arch in the back especially 3rd molars where blood supply is not so great in comparison to other teeth although it can happen to any tooth. Dry sockets normally are caused by smoking after the extraction procedure which breaks down the blood clot and then any further smoking will prolong healing drastically. This is one of the most painful things that can happen in general dentistry and most women rate them as more painful then childbirth. A good 8-8.5 on a pain scale of 10. You do not one of these that's for sure.

Is it okay for food to remain in holes after wisdom removal?

No. Food building up in the socket or stitches will often cause an infection or 'dry socket'. This is a painful condition where the tissue of the gum fails to close over the bone area and leaves nerves exposed.

Can you go to the emergency room for dry socket?

You can but its not advised because technically it's the "emergency room" and though a dry socket is painful it is. Not a life or death matter. The best thing to do is take some Tylenol and get ahold of your dentist as soon as possible to see him. If you have an urgent care around you can try to go there but the best thing is your dentist!

Can you have dry socket without pain?

I had a lower molar extracted on wednes it has been paining me ever since, i went back to dentist yest and she put a dressing in the space, but today i have an earache and it hurts to open my mouth or to drink anything, i am shivering all the time, i have flaygl and poniston but i dont appear to be getting any better.