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Q: What can you do if charges are dropped after a conviction?
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If you have charges dropped is it still a conviction?

No, but there may still be a record created that can be searched when you apply for a job. In some cases, depending on the type of charge the charge can alone bar you from certain types of employment. The other thing to keep in mind is that if charges are dropped this does not prevent a prosecuting attorney from re-filing charges based on new and existing evidence if he thinks he can get a conviction.

Can you have charges dropped against someone who assaulted you with a weapon in tx?

YOU cannot have the charges dropped by yourself. Such an assault is a crime against the state and only the prosecutor can 'drop' the charges. If you are a reluctant 'complaining witness' speak to the prosecutor about your hesitation to go forward.

If a juvenile enters a diversion program to have charges dropped for petty theft what are the legal boundaries with questions like Have you ever been charged convicted of a crime on job applications?

The key word is CONVICTED. If the charges were dropped because they went into the program, then a CONVICTION never took place.

What happens when charges are dropped against you?

When charges are dropped then you are free to go

How do you get harassment charges dropped?

false charges

What are pending charges?

Criminal charges with which the defendant has not yetbeen formally charged.Added:I would read pending criminal charges to mean a criminal charge that has been formally charged, however there has been no resolution in the case yet. In other words, there is a formal accusation, but no conviction or acquittal.

What does arrest without conviction mean?

It means one has been arrested for a crime and then the charges were dropped before the case got to court. Or one has been arrested faced court and was found to be not guilty.

Can charges be dropped after arrest in NC?


How to get charges dropped?

Talk to your lawyer.

Was arrested for marijuana Miranda rights not told can the charges be dropped?

If you were taken into custody with the intent to be interrogated then yes, the charges could be dropped.

Can charges against someone be dropped after an affidavit is signed?

Sometimes charges can be dropped against someone even after an affidavit has been signed. It will really depend on the charges and city and state.