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You will need to open a consumer complaint with ChoicePoint and get the accident fault indicator changed to N.A.F.(not At Fault) on your CLUE report. Then notify your Insurance company after your CLUE report is corrected. Then the company will remove the premium impact of an "at fault" accident.

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Q: What can you do if you were ticketed in an accident and found not guilty in court but your insurance company had already paid the other driver's claim and increased your premium?
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Can you get insurance at the scene for a accident?

Trying to get insurance to cover an accident that has already happened is Insurance Fraud, which is a Felony.

What if my current car insurance policy is already expired?

No worries! You can renew your car insurance policy. But insurance company will add more premium on your policy if its expired 45 days before. The insurance company maybe report loss of insurance to your state motor vehicle department. and they may revoke your drivers license. In an accident, you will not be covered by your insurance and if you are responsible for the accident, you may be financially responsible for any damages. If stopped by police they may ask to see proof of insurance, without it you will be ticketed, fined, be unable to drive your car and it would be towed at your expense.

What if you are already injured and have a car accident is the insurance still liable?

Depends on your condition

If person you hit in car accident has already been paid by their auto insurance co. can the insurance co sue you?

They can

Can you lose your license with no insurance if you cause an accident?

Yes! You sure can! You have already broken the law to drive without insurance. . . They by YOU yourself causing the accident, you are definitely liable for license removal.

If you want to change my insurance and you already toll your insurance company about an accident that is not your foult ca you do it with out afecting you?

I don't want to chance your insurance company but if you do, the accident was not your fault so it does not matter. Just ask your agent this question. He is here to help you.

Can health insurance cover the balance of the claim of the car accident?

Yes, your Health insurance can provide coverage for injuries received in an auto accident beyond what may have already been covered through an automobile insurance policy. Your health insurance however is specific to you and the covered persons under your policy. It will not pay for property damage or liabilities for injuries to others.

Do I have to buy extra car insurance if I rent from EZ car rental?

If you already have full coverage auto insurance, there is no need to purchase additional insurance for your rental car. The only event where you would need the insurance from EZ Car Rental, was if you were to get into an accident, they would cover the cost of the time lost for the rental. If you don't purchase their insurance and get into an accident, you will have to pay for the days they are out money for not being able to rent the car out.

Will your insurance rates go up for hitting an animal?

If you make a claim and have comprehensive coverage then you insurance rate may increase slightly. All insurance companies are different, but they are all based on the same system, level of risk to insure and probability of making a claim. By hitting the deer you have increased both these factors. However since it was not an at-fault accident and there is already a deductible to decrease fraudulent claims, your rate should only increase slightly.

Can you put an Insurance claim in on an already totaled auto?

Yes, you can put in an insurance claim for any reason. It is up to them to pay or deny any claim. It will be tough to determine which damage was there prior to any other accident.

Can automobile policy issued to cover retroactively?

No. An insurance policy cannot be issued to pay for an accident that already happened. Why in the world would you think that an insurance company would take on a claim that happened before you purchased the policy.

What happen if you are already disable and you are in a car wreck?

The same as if you were not already disabled. If you were injured or suffered a loss as a result of the accident, you file a claim for the appropriate damages. You do not however, file a claim for those injuries for which you were already declared disabled prior to the accident. To do so would constitute a felony offense and could earn you up to 20 years in prison for insurance fraud.