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There are many ways to improve the sound of your playing, but if you actually want to improve the sound of the guitar itself you must first assess what improvement you're after.

To maximize the inherent tonality of any guitar you can at least start by making sure the action isn't too high/low and particularly that the nut is cut low enough. It's a common problem that makers don't spend the time to fine tune the nut and generally leave them high, which can make a very noticeable improvement in general tonality.

Then there's strings - make sure you're using ones that will give a tonality you're after. Light strings may be easier to play on, but can sound thin and weak.

My personal preference is lighter strings on top, heavier on bottom, which gives much more support to your tone. Very important if you're playing by yourself.

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11y ago

Because an acoustic guitar was designed to "hear" the strings through the acoustics of a hollow body, you can amplify the sound by adding body pickups. Making it sound like an Electric Guitar is limited to certain effects designed for acoustic. Attempting to create a distortion on an acoustic guitar will only distort the sound and not the "feel" of the strings on an electric guitar. The end result is a badly distorted reverberation of the hollow body and not of the string vibration only.

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Obviously, a lot of how you make an instrument sound better depends on the specific musical instrument in question. But there are things you can do regardless of what instrument it is:

1) make sure that your instrument is in good repair and is clean.

2) make sure that your instrument is in tune, assuming it's one that normally is tuned in some way.

3) if your instrument is one that relies on amplification for sound (such as an electric guitar), be sure that all the necessary equipment (amps, cables, power chords, etc.,) is also in the best possible condition.

Taking care of your instrument is always one of the best ways to ensure it has the best possible sound.

Plus, needless to say, practicing a lot!

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12y ago

Buy an amp!

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The sound hole. If you strum your chord above it it'll make a louder sound.

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A microphone connected to an amplifier and speaker(s).

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How can an acoustic guitar generally sounds louder than an electric guitar without an electronic amplifier?

An acoustic guitar is hollow, with a sound hole, allowing it the reverberate the sound, and making it louder. An acoustic guitar is always louder than an electric. (When the electric has no amp.) Acoustic is hollow allowing the sound to reflect off the inside and echo producing louder sound waves. (Like an auditorium.) whereas the electric is hard below the strings preventing any echo.

A guitar is louder then a signer at a concert why Are the wave length longer from the guitar?

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What can you do to make the guitar louder?

plug it into an amp

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To change the sound, For instance an overdrive pedal boosts the sound making it louder and clearer, where as a distortion pedal makes it louder but less clear.

What is an acoustic electric guitar?

Acoustic-electric guitars are acoustic styled guitars with a pickup either outside or inside the hollow body. You plug a cable into it like you would a normal electric guitar and it can be used through an amplifier to make the sound louder. They can also be played without being plugged in just like a normal acoustic guitar

What is amps in electrics?

amplifiers serve an important purpose , to amplify the electric guitar. You plug the electric guitar into an amplifier to make electricity run through it and the speakers will make what you're playing louder and you can use effects with it to get your very own guitar sound.