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There are two main threats to orangutans (habitat loss and hunting), and there are several ways that we can help them.

1. Do not buy palm oil or products that contain it. The palm oil industry is rapidly expanding, and that means that the rainforest habitat where orangutans live is being converted to palm plantations. This is causing a significant amount of their habitat loss.

2. Buy FSC (forest stewardship council) Certified wood and paper products. These are harvested sustainably, unlike most wood and paper, that is harvested illegally and irresponsibly, and contributes to habitat loss.

3. Donate money to organizations such as the WWF who protect wild animals from poachers.

You asked about what has been done, I know of a few things. There are laws that make hunting them, as well as capturing them for the pet trade illegal (Although some people still do it illegally). I believe small amounts of their habitat have been set aside as wildlife preserves. And there are small organizations that work to rehabilitate and release orphaned orangutans back into the wild.

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Q: What can you do or what has been done to help save orangutans?
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What is being done to save the orangutans?


How do you save the orangutans?

we can help save the orang-utans by not buying any of the food that involves anything to do with orangutans so by that they will get bored of selling the foods and wont cut down the forests

What should be done to save the orangutans?

people should donate too the various organisations that have been set up in order to try and save the orangutan. replanting trees is also an option as their habitat is losing most of their trees due to deforestation and habitat destruction.

What is being done to save orangutan?

Orangutans should be helpd by doin STUFF (not by txsmallfry!!!)Slow their reproduction? Donate to places that care for orangutans!

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