

What can you do to be a better citizen?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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have respect for you teacher leader and elder

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Q: What can you do to be a better citizen?
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It is necassary to learn about government?

Yes. By learning how your government works you can better understand it and what's going on in your country. A better informed citizen makes a better voter and all around a better country.

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Prepared enough to go into ROTC or the REAL military.

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Yes,but better to get before leaving UK.

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Napoleon encouraged and spread the belief that education should be equalized throughout all people whether male or female. He believed that a educated citizen was a better citizen.

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There can be reasons for a citizen to reject obeying the laws of the land. Slavery is one example of when it was better for a citizen to not obey the laws of the land.

Is there ever a reason for a citizen of any country to reject obeying the laws of the land if those rulers do not uphold that country's values and self-regulations?

There can be reasons for a citizen to reject obeying the laws of the land. Slavery is one example of when it was better for a citizen to not obey the laws of the land.

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Although he was born in Panama in April 1956; in 2010, Luis Miguel Luchino Gonzalez Borlino, better known as Miguel Bose became an honorary citizen of Colombia.

Can you shoot a fleeing suspect in California?

If you're a private citizen, no. If you're a law enforcement officer, you had better have a good reason.

How to ditch dish and cable?

Get an antenna for your television. Watch PBS. You will end up smarter, more focused and a better citizen.