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Not much, but may I suggest that you recall the times before this relationship (not necessarily happy times) and try to recall them. Not just in memory, but to repeat some of your actions from back then.

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Q: What can you do to distract yourself from a broken heart?
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What do you do if your heart broken?

I tend to try and distract myself.

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distract them as much as u can!

What do you do when you are really heart broken?

I think it would be unhelpful to answer it as to how I usually deal with my heart being broken but what I usually suggest is distract yourself and go hang out with your friends. Do something you find fun like play video games...or whatever. DO NOT do hurtful things to yourself in order to cope it never helps. Keep yourself busy and convince yourself you don't need or deserve someone will hurt you and there is someone better than the heartbreaker out there for you...But don't rebound. Causes a chain of destruction.

How can you overcome broken-heart?

Only if you let yourself and believe that you can.

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You can get over a relationship it takes time. Try and keep yourself busy and surround yourself with friends and family. In time your broken heart will heal.

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Distract yourself with something else.

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just distract yourself from the situation

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Take your feelings out on something (not someone) else. For example, kickboxing, ballet, music; anything that you can distract yourself with. I warn you: the addiction never goes away. It'll always be there, like an itch. The most you can do is distract yourself.

How do you get her off your mind?

Distract yourself with other things (friends, activities, etc.)

Will you stay heart broken forever?

no, you won't stay heart broken only if the preson heart broken too that means that you two are meant to be.

How do you heal your boyfriends broken heart?

Think of it this way your one broken heart closer to your happily ever after. Your heart is like glass it's better to leave it broken then hurt yourself by trying to put it back together again. -Bella Rivera

What do broken hearts do?

take time to reassess your priorities. distract yourself. go hang out with other people. don't talk to that specific person for a while, thought it may seem hard, trust me, I've just been through it.