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Your dentist will give you instructions on eating AND drinking for the period right after you have a tooth extracted. In general, you will want to avoid hot liquids for several hours- you are trying to get a good clotting of blood in that area. Talk to your dentist, and follow the instructions.

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13y ago
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17y ago

Yes. but only soft foods like yogurt, ice cream soup.

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14y ago

Soft foods that won't get stuck in the extraction sites or loosen the stiches. Soup is good. Liquids are good to prevent dehydration.

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12y ago
  • yogurt
  • soups
  • bananas
  • smoothies
  • but sometimes u have to wait 1 hour before eating anything 030 (learned from experience)
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Q: What can you eat you just got your tooth pulled?
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I had mine pulled and I found that talking did not cause any harm. It is more of an issue as to what you eat. If you eat the wrong things and or if you get dry socket you will not be happy.

How long do you half to wait to eat after a tooth is pulled?

4 Hours. And make sure between the time you got it pulled and maybe an hour after that you spit everything not swallow. this helps the blood clot form so it doesnt continue bleeding.

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If the pulled out tooth was intentional, then just keep swilling your mouth out and sucking the gum where the tooth just came from. You should not go to bed with your mouth bleeding seeing as its quite easy that way to drown on your own blood whilst asleep. Lovely isn't it? But if it was not intentional, then push your tooth back where it came from in the gum because then there is a chance that it will stay there and that it will grow back in to the gum

Can you eat a biscuit after you get your wisdom tooth pulled?

well it depends how long after. if you eat it less than 7 hours after, its not recommended

Is it possible for a tooth to start growing under your loose tooth?

Yes, it is very possible to have a tooth grow under a loose tooth. I have experienced this before. If the tooth hasn't come out when the tooth under it is almost done growing, you should see a dentist. I visited a dentist and got my tooth pulled out.

Can you get an infection months after your wisdom tooth has been pulled?

yeah!!! i got an infection...and let me tell you it hurts like hell..

What do you mean by If you got a tooth you got a friend?

To be alive, every single human being has to eat and to eat u need teeth. Just like your teeth are with you, friends are also with you until care is taken. If you take unnecessary advantage they become a liability.

How long do you have to wait after getting a tooth pulled to eat or drink anything?

I had a sixth molar pulled at 3pm and went to a Christmas dinner/dance at 7pm. I wish I hadn't but as only my husband knew me well, only he knew that I WA a bit subdued from my normal noisy self. I was totally normal the next day. I am not saying that everyone can do that, a colleague had 2 wisdom teeth pulled and took the next day off work, then got an infection and was on antibiotics for 5 days, so about a week before she was totally back to normal. You will know how you usually react to such things and how you feel.

How do you pull out a really loose tooth if youre scared?

Just so you know... I had 5 teeth pulled yesterday and it didn't hurt. you can just try to wiggle it alot! and it will fall out eventually! it has to unless you are going to stay a child forever (which isn't physically possible). just give it time! i got $20 for 5 teeth. $4 a tooth! i think that's pretty awesome~

Is Dog the Bounty Hunter dead?

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