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The doctor tells you that you are not allow to eat or drink 24 hr before surgery. But lets say its a 12pm tomorrow sugery, you atop eating at 10 or 10 30 pm and you will be good. Just don't eat anything, they say it can mess with your anistetic *sorry with spelling* I have had a Lap, and other surgeries so I am fmiluar with what they say to you. If you wake up and feel you need to drink or eat something have it be nothing at all to not rick it, or 7 am 1 square of toast and a dixie of water, sometimes they let it slide if its a very little amout, and is hours before surgery.


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Q: What can you eat before laproscopic surgery?
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Do you mean when they go in through a small hole with a camera and do the operation without opening up the patient? That's called "laproscopic" surgery.

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It is advisable not to eat or drink for at least 5 to 6 hours before any surgery carried out under a general anaesthetic.

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As, your surgeon and especially your anesthesiologist what you can eat and how long before surgery you can eat. The danger is that your body is asleep and immobile during surgery, so you may choke on your stomach contents if you've eaten too much or eaten too soon before surgery.

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Yes its called laproscopic but you will be asked to sign a consent form stating that the operation can be transferred to abdominal if there are complications which are unusual.

Do they put you asleep when they do a laproscopic surgery?

Yes general anaesthesia is normal unless there is a very good reason to use an epidural.

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Your last meal before your gastric bypass surgery should be something that you love. You need to keep in mind that after your surgery you will be put on a special diet and you won't be able to eat the foods that you love for a long time. You should eat your favorite meal and enjoy every bit of it.

How long do you have to stop taking potassium before surgery?

They say before a surgery you are supposed to eat 10 bananas you should stop listening to stupid doctors who have no clue on what they are talking about.

Can you use carmax lip balm before surgery?

yes you can. Normally before surgery they tell you not to eat anything about 12 hours prior to that. Lip balm will not harm anything unless you eat it which obviously should not be done anyway as that is not the purpose of it.