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Why, yes, of course you can! BUT! It is encouraged/recommended to eat only soft foods at first (yogurt, broth, fruit smoothies, mashed potatoes, applesauce, oatmeal, etc)

Do not try eating crunchy, sticky, greasy foods.

You are trying to make it as easy as possible for your mouth. You don't want to have to put more work into cleaning out your extraction site with too much food debris. You also don't want any potential threat to your wound with sharp foods.

You also need to drink plenty of clear fluids and stay away from sodas, hot, and Alcoholic Beverages.

Also, be certain NOT to drink any liquid through a straw. The suction formed within the mouth by that action could pull out the packing and/or blood clot in the now vacated area. If that comes out, you'll begin some serious bleeding and probably have to rush back to the dentist.

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Q: What can you eat the day after surgery for pulling wisdom teeth out?
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Mike Dirnt's ex-wife Anastasia inspired the song "Pulling Teeth", which is a song that Mike wrote.

I had two of my wisdom teeth extracted yesterday and I can feel a spongy substance where my teeth used to be but some of the spongy stuff came out when I was brushing and it feels like a hole. Bad?

From your description, it doesn't sound like a problem. Everyone has holes (visible or not) the first weeks after surgery. My question to you is: Did you brush ON THE DAY OF SURGERY? If so, I would call your dentist. If it was the day after, then don't be worried about it! :) Good luck. :D

Can you drink alcohol the next day after you have your wisdom removed?

The second day after a wisdom tooth extraction, the wounds are still healing. Drinking alcohol is not recommended until the mouth has completely healed from the wisdom teeth extractions.

When will I feel better after your wisdom teeth are extracted?

Depends totally on the surgery. I had two of them removed once and two months later the others, the second day after the surgery I was a lot in pain, almost couldn't think or watch TV. But the other surgery didn't bother or hurt, the second day I started eating like nothing happened. Depends totally on the surgery.

Can you get a Infection after wisdom teeth are taken out after surgery due to bone coming out after?

Maybe some. Rinse your mouth several times a day with warm salt water. If symptoms persist after three days, go see your doctor.

What is the function of wisdom teeth?

Back in the day, there wernt dentists, so your teeth were most likely to rot. If all of your teeth were to rot, then you would most likely die, because all they ate back in the day was lots of evolution favored wisdom teeth, they would grow in long after all of your other teeth have grown in:))

How Long for a glass of wine after wisdom teeth exreaction?

Ide wait atleast 5 day

I got my top two wisdom teeth extracted yesterday along with 2 other teeth I left the oral surgery place at 615pm it's 12 hours later and I am still numb in a few spots Is this normal?

Yes, I had mine removed just the other day, my doctor told me that the numbness can last from 6-12 hours after the surgery. (I'm not a doctor, but that is what mine said)

Do you brush your teeth after you get your wisdom teeth taken out?

hi, it's not prefered to brush teeth after any extraction, we must assure a good blood clotting in the surgical site. it's better to delay the brushing to the next day.

Can wisdom teeth start coming in at age 13 and a half?

Yes, 13.5 years is very early but still within the normal range for wisdom teeth eruption. (above--already written) OH MY GOD mine are coming in i think, and it hurts! im 13 1/2 exactly(:

Can you eat sushi after wisdom teeth extracted?

Eventually, yes. I probably wouldn't do it the same day.