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The Home Doctor - Practical Medicine for Every Household -

What if you are in a situation where you cannot call a doctor or run to a hospital? Or how about your loving mom having a medical emergency, and you are stuck in a hurricane with no phone signals and clear roads?

Finding yourself in such situations is alarming and hazardous for your health. However, the Home Doctor can help in such situations. It is a book that can offer multiple services in the absence of an ambulance, running water, medical supplies, electricity, and other essential things.

Actually, It is a 304 page doctor written and approved guide on how to manage most health situations when help is not on the way. If you want to see what happens when things go south, all you have to do is look at Venezuela: no electricity, no running water, no law, no antibiotics, no painkillers, no anesthetics, no insulin or other important things. But if you want to find out how you can still manage in a situation like this, you must also look to Venezuela and learn the ingenious ways they developed to cope.

How Is “Home Doctor” a Practical Medicine for Every Household?

When Venezuela's economy collapsed, the people faced many health issues. The damaged medical system also made it impossible to access medical care. People faced severe medical issues and no good hospitals.

Dr. Maybell Nieves stepped in and, with the help of Dr. Rodrigo Alterio and Claude Davis, wrote a comprehensive book on medical health.

The "Home Doctor book" is a practical medicine for every household. It is a book specifically designed for isolated clients and contains all the information required to diagnose and treat common diseases at home. The Home Doctor also includes a list of common medicines and their uses you should purchase to save your family.

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13y ago

This is what you can use:

Beetroot juice, made from raw beets, is an especially good addition to any green drink. Beetroot juice contains phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and potassium, as well as vitamins A and C, niacin, folic acid, and biotin. When these nutrients are captured in a juicing process, they remain in a form that is much easier to assimilate than synthetic nutrients. For many years in Europe, beetroot has been used as a treatment for cancer. Specific anti-carcinogens are bound to the red colouring compounds, which supposedly help to fight against cancer. As far as the anemic is concerned, beetroot increases the uptake of oxygen by as much as 400 percent.

Blackstrap molasses contains the iron and essential B vitamins necessary for red cell production.

Brewer's yeast is a good source of B vitamins -- just one way to include these nutrients in the diet, especially if there is folate- or B12-deficiency anemia present. Brewer's yeast also comes in a fortified or vegetarian formula that includes the elusive vitamin B12. It mixes well in nutritious blender drinks, where other nutritional supplements can also be added.

Curry powder is a rich source of iron. Be aware, however, that there is a myriad of recipes for curry powder, so how much iron is actually in curry is anyone's guess; but it usually runs around 50-60 mg of iron per 100 grams.

Fermented foods like miso, tempeh, and bean pastes are rich sources of iron, as well friendly bacteria necessary for vitamin absorption.

Green foods and drinks are essential for anemia sufferers. They are rich in folic acid; and many of them are also rich in iron, particularly watercress, dandelion leaves, and the brassicas (cabbage family). Although beet greens and spinach are also rich in iron, they are also high in oxalic acid, which prevents minerals from being utilized by the body. Therefore, these foods should be eaten sparingly. Eating foods rich in vitamin C will help significantly in the absorption of the type of iron found in vegetables. Other vegetables which are especially beneficial for the anemic include parsley, green pepper, carrots, kale, and asparagus.

Herbs: Herbalists consider nettle (Urtica dioica) as a nutritious plant source of iron, as well as vitamin C, chlorophyll, and other minerals, and is an effective supplement in the treatment of iron-deficiency anemia. Other herbs that are also good are alfalfa, bilberry, cherry, dandelion, goldenseal, grape skins (only organic, as others are loaded with chemicals), hawthorn berry, mullein, Oregon grape root, pau d'arco, red raspberry, shepherd's purse, and yellow dock. Mothers can profit from drinking Rooibos tea during pregnancy and breast feeding when the baby's iron levels are likely to become depleted. Do not take goldenseal or Oregon grape root during pregnancy, and use only under supervision if there is a history of cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, or glaucoma.

Highest levels: Food that contain the highest iron content (over 5 mg per average serving) are: kidney and pinto beans, liver (eat only from organically raised animals; otherwise, it will contain all the toxic waste the animal has stored), blackstrap molasses, rice bran, raw beet greens (but not the roots), mustard greens, lentils, dried peaches (organic only), and Prune Juice.

Moderate levels: Foods with moderately high iron content (3-5 mg) include cooked dried unsulfured apricots, cooked beet greens, dates, very lean meat (organically raised), lima beans, chili, cooked spinach, and dry and fresh peas. Spirulina, or blue-green algae, has been used successfully to treat anemia. The standard dose is 1 heaping teaspoon daily. Sea vegetables are rich sources of iron.


  • A good multi-vitamin and mineral supplement taken daily can help prevent and/or combat anemia.
  • B complex deficiencies are probably the second leading cause of nutritionally caused anemias. Taking all of the B vitamins is vital since supplementing only one can bring about a deficiency in one or more of the others. Therefore, if anemia results from folate or a B12 deficiency and supplements have to be taken, it is wise to include a vitamin B-complex capsule as well, but generally nothing more than 50 mg per day unless otherwise stated by your health care provider.
  • Since vitamin C aids in the absorption of iron and helps strengthen the blood vessels, the suggested amount of supplement, in addition to the foods high in the nutrient, is 500 mg. twice daily.
  • Copper acts as a catalyst in the formation of hemoglobin and the copper-binding protein, ceruloplasmin, plays a major role in the distribution of iron throughout the body, especially to the brain. Studies of patients with dementia were found to have inadequate levels of ceruloplasmin.
  • Calcium helps to regulate the timing release or intake of iron into the RBC, thus affecting its lifespan. Since calcium also competes for the same absorption sites as iron, zinc, and copper, deficiencies of these minerals can occur if one consumes great amounts of calcium. When taken supplementally, calcium should be taken separately at bedtime. The best form is calcium citrate or gluconate rather than carbonate since carbonate is the same as common chalk.
  • Zinc deficiencies are often seen in alcoholics, sickle cell patients, diabetics, and those with such bowel disorders as Crohn's disease or short bowel syndrome. Zinc influences several aspects of vitamin A metabolism and a vitamin A deficiency is often seen in people with iron deficiency anemia. Taking too much, however, can also contribute to anemia; therefore, the key is moderation. Doses greater than 150 mg per day can result in sideroblastic anemia or iron deficiency, mainly because it interferes with copper absorption. Since a deficiency is just as bad as an overload, the optimal ratio of zinc to copper is 10:1, that is, 10 milligrams of zinc to one milligram of copper.

Unsulfured dried fruits are a rich source of iron, as well as B vitamins. However, because they are also high in fructose, eating too many at a time is not adviseable, but adding them to cereals or fruit drinks should provide as much iron and other nutrients as one needs in a day.

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15y ago

lots of red meats and green veggies or you can just take an iron supplement.

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11y ago

You should eat foods high in folic acids such as citrus fruits, squash, greens (like spinach, romaine lettuce, etc.), asparagus, avocado, and broccoli.

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9y ago

iron, found in:

red meat




How much iron in each food?

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10y ago

Iron enriched foods are best for people who suffer from anemia. Some foods that are high in iron are broccoli, spinach, and liver.

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12y ago


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What are the food that is prohibited for patient who has anemia?

Foods with fats, unhealthy foods and foods that has no energy.

What kind of foods the T'boli have?

They have very good food.

What element in found in liver and is needed to prevent anemia?

Eatting foods high in iron (usually greens) will prevent anemia.

what dietary inclusion/ exclusion should i make to address anemia, that may be a result of chemotherapy?

You should consult a physician, but some general foods good for anemia, which contain iron, are: beef, turkey, cereals, beans, baked potato with skin, and asparagus.

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Prognosis is generally good for patients with pernicious anemia

How do you keep anemia healthy?

Take an iron supplement or eat foods rich in iron.

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Can anemia cause a craving for uncooked rice?

It shouldn't do. Anemia does not normally cause any food cravings, however the feeling of "being tired all the time" which anemia can cause may make you resort to "energy dense foods", or foods that release energy quickly (such as refined carbs). This may help explain cravings for high carbohydrate foods, however it does not explain a craving for uncooked rice, which is quite indigestible in it's raw state.

Are there special foods for my blood type?

If you have anemia there are some foods that you should eat more, however they are not based on blood type. Check out for more information.

What foods are also good sources of water?

Oranges, Brocolli, Peas, Melons (any kind), apples................................................................................................................................................................ :)

What kind of natural foods are good for weight loss?

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