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You can't eat anything hot in temperature or anything spicy. your best bet is to eat mostly cold things such as ice cream no ice pops cuz you shouldn't suck on anything. you can chew on crushed ice or ice chips... soup is fine as well as mashed potatoes and cut up spaghettis nothing that needs too much chewing.... soft foods are the best.. hope this helps

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Q: What can you eat while your tongue piercing is healing?
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Can you eat a sandwich while a tongue piercing?

If it's not healed, you should avoid it.

When can you eat something spicy after a tongue piercing?

nothing silly goosee. you'll be fine. it might sting when its first pierced but after a while you will be perfectly fine : )

Which hurts more lip or tongue percing?

Typically, a tongue piercing may hurt more than a lip piercing, as the tongue is a sensitive and muscular area. However, pain perception can vary from person to person. Both piercings may cause discomfort during the procedure and while the area is healing.

Does having your tongue pierced hurt 5 weeks after?

Usually not. But if you talk a lot, play with the piercing, or try to eat solid foods while its healing, it'll delay the healing time and it may extend to 5 weeks. Everyone heals differently but you'll probably only experience a little bit of tenderness in 5 weeks.

What can i do with a new tongue piercing and how do i keep it clean?

You should use an alcohol free mouthwash after you eat or drink anything besides bottled water. Keep ice on it and use ibuprofen to reduce swelling. You should not do anything with it while it is healing besides keeping it clean, and in your mouth.

When can you eat a hot dog with a tongue piercing?

If it's healed, yes.

How long does it take for most swelling of a new tongue piercing?

Swelling from a new tongue piercing typically peaks around 2-3 days after the procedure. It can take up to 2 weeks for the swelling to fully subside, depending on individual healing times and aftercare practices. Make sure to follow proper aftercare instructions provided by your piercer to help reduce swelling and promote healing.

How long can you not eat dairy after tongue piercing?

two weeks! defiantly wanna avoid a yeast infection on your tongue!

Why cant you eat chocolate during tongue piercing is healing?

Chocolate has never been an issue, it's just maintaining good oral hygiene during the initial stages of healing that is the big concern, Once the swelling is down (usually about 5 days) you can get back to a normal diet.

How does it work with eating with a tongue piercing?

For the first week your tongue will be very tender and sore. It will be especially hard to eat for the first 48-36 hours. Only drink liquids and eat foods like soup (not too hot though) or ice cream (not too cold though). Fruit shakes are great. Take it slow. After that initial healing period, eating with a tongue ring is totally normal. You won't notice it after a while.

Can you eat a mcmuffin after getting tongue piercing?

Well you can but I don't think that you're supposed to.

Affects of a tongue getting pierced wrong?

Obviously infection is one of the most common issues with tongue piercings but that is all to do with the maintenance of the piercing whilst it heals. Complications with the actual piercing can be quite similar to any other piercings. Nerves are everywhere in your body including your tongue. I have had my tongue done and had a rather painless piercing procedure and healing however a friend of mine had hers done a year ago and a nerve in her tongue was hit and she had swelling and constant pain in her tongue down and down her neck and was unable to eat or speak for over a week. If you are considering getting your tongue done speak to a few people who already have it done and go to a piercer that they recommend and who sound the most experienced.