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ditto or the opposite gender venasour. (there might be others if your venasour is a female)

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Q: What can you put in the daycare with venasour on Pokemon diamond?
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How can you make a egg in Pokemon diamond?

put 2 of the same Pokemon in the daycare 1 boy 1 girl and wait for a egg or put the Pokemon you want in the daycare and a ditto and wait for a egg

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Send a ditto from Pokemon diamond and put turtwig inthe daycare with it.

How do you get an egg on Pokemon Diamond?

To get an egg, you have to put either to of the same Pokemon in the daycare, a girl and a boy, or you can put any gender Pokemon in with a ditto and after a little while the daycare man will face outward, you go talk to him and he will tell you that your Pokemon had an egg.

How do you breed raltz on Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

put a gardivoir and a gallade in the daycare and they will.......................lay an egg

How can you get a morphed Pokemon in diamond?

as a eggsxampal put heatran and cresslia together in the daycare and if thay mack a egg it will be a morphed Pokemon

Where are eggs on Pokemon Diamond?

you need to put a male and female Pokemon in the daycare, or with a ditto(gender doesnt matter), and in a bit, go talk to the guy outside the daycare, and he'll have an egg.

Can Froslass lay an egg in Pokemon diamond?

no it can't no it can't no it can't put in in the daycare with a ditto and they will have an egg

How do you get two chimchars on Pokemon Diamond?

first get a infernape and ditto then put them both in daycare you might get a chimchar egg

What Pokemon do you put in the daycare for a Darkrai egg?

the you put in the daycare for a darkrai egg is a ditto

When you put a Pokemon in the daycare in Pokemon diamond or pearl to level do its stats suffer like when you use rare candy on it?

Well, if you go on summary and go onto their moves whatever is at the top will be forgoton if the Pokemon learns a new move. P.S. That only happens in the daycare.