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The soft drink assumed the shape of the container.

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Q: What can you say about the shape of a soft drink after pouring it into a glass?
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Why do soft drink bottles have thick glass?

because of the pressure inside the soft drinks, and to prevent that from pressurizing on the glass people use thick glass so when the soft drink starts fizzing it will not put a lot of pressure because the glass is thick or heavy and wont break or crack.

Does glass have a definite shape?

No, it can be manipulated when at around 1500ºC, It becomes soft and glass blowers can manipulate it to become what ever shape they want it to be.

What will happen if you jump an 100 foot dive to a glass of soda?

nothing its a soft drink

The shape of which beverage bottle is a famous trademark of a soft drink?

eli witney

What must the melting point of the mold be compared to temperature at which glass get soft why?

The melting point of the mold must be higher than the melting point of glass, or else it would not be able to hold the soft glass in the correct shape.

What must the melting point of the mold be compared to the temperature at which glass gets soft why?

The melting point of the mold must be higher than the melting point of glass, or else it would not be able to hold the soft glass in the correct shape.

Why an ice cube floats in a glass of soft drink?

The density of an ice cube is less than the liquid.

Environmentalists say that the best way to handle soft-drink and beer containers is to do what?

Use reusable glass bottles.

Why is a soft glass used for glass working?

because glass working needs soft glass

Why is soft glass used for glass working?

because glass working needs soft glass

What happened to the guy who jumped from a 100 foot tower into a large glass of root beer?

This looks to be a play on a classic joke or riddle. The normal punchline is: "He experienced a soft drink." The humor in this case comes from the expectation that the individual who jumped into a glass of root beer would have a soft landing, contrasting with the potential risk associated with jumping from a full-size height. It's a lighthearted and punny way of framing a fictional scenario.

How much is a soft drink?

A soft drink is $20.