

What can you take to have a miscarrige?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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Go to a hospital or women's clinic if you want to terminate the pregnancy, don't try anything at home, you could end up killing yourself.

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Q: What can you take to have a miscarrige?
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How do you cause a miscarrige?

By nature or accident. If you mean having a miscarriage on purpose that would be a induced miscarriage aka abortion. You have to see a doctor for that.

Why are you weak after a miscarrige?

well after all the trouble of going through pregnancy with a massive huge sadness and dissapointment in the end will leave you weakened.

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She has 1, but her mom had a miscarrige just before Christmas. It was a girl and her name was Scarlett Rose Teefey.

What is a miscarrige?

Miscarriage: Inadvertent loss of a pregnancy before the fetus is viable. A considerable proportion of pregnancies end in a miscarriage. Also called a spontaneous abortion.Induced miscarriage is aka an abortion.

Why would the doctor give you a pregnancy test after heavy clotting?

heavy blood loss like this is possibly caused by a miscarrige. He is checking to see if this is a possible cause (as you need to be pregnant first).

How do you tell if you had a miscarrige?

If you don't bleed and cramp and just suspect it you have to see your doctor. he can tell you by giving you a ultrasound. Even after a miscarriage will the pregnancy test show positive for awhile until the hormones have settled.

How do you have a miscarrige on purpose?

Yes it's called a induced miscarriage or abortion.

Your period stopped the night your fiance and you had sexI had spotting a month laterthen heavy painful bleeding for an hour a month after the spotting happennedCould you be pregnant?

it sounds more like you had a miscarrige consult a doctor immideatly

Iam 10 weeks pg an ultrasound shows an empty before some months i was got miscarrge?

iam 10 weeks pg the ultresound shows an empty before some months i got miscarrige

What can happen if your embryo implants low in the uterus?

when an embryo is transplanted low in the uterus and has taken and growing the term used is 'carring low' there is possibility of miscarrige in cases of twins and/or if you have a weak cervix. There needs to be at least 2cm from fetus to cervix. check with a perinatalogist.

Can a 15 year old and a 13 year old have a baby?

Yes but dont. At those ages your bodies have not fully developed and so you have a big chance of having a miscarrige and it can seroiusly harm your health and body if you become pregnant at that age. I would suggest that you dont do it.