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Pretty much anything. Charcoal, a rock, big button, lightbulb, Groucho Marx glasses with the nose attached. All of these would work. Let you imagination go.

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Q: What can you use as the nose for a snowman instead of a carrot?
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How do you build a snowman?

How to make a snowmanMake a small snowball and roll it around in the snow until it becomes big enough to become the base of the snowman.Get another snowball and roll it around until it's a little smaller than the other one.Get a third snowball and roll it around until it's quite a bit smaller than the second one.Stack them up in size order.Put rocks, beads, buttons or anything else for eyes, a nose, and a mouth.Put in 2 sticks for the arms.Lo and behold, you've got a snowman!Well, start with a good solid base. Then build the next levels up slowly from there, and be careful to pat it alot to keep the snow together. Then add the clothing!

Why poly-silicon is used as gate material instead of metal?

we use polysislicon instead of metal because polysilicon has the self aligned property.

What can people use instead of things that emit greenhouse gas?

People can use renewable energy sources like solar and wind power instead of fossil fuels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. They can also choose public transportation, carpooling, biking, or walking instead of driving alone to reduce carbon emissions from transportation. Additionally, consuming less meat and dairy can help lower methane emissions from livestock.

What three ways you can think of to practice water conservation?

Wash up in a bowl - instead of the sink. Only use the washing machine when you have a full load. Use a shower instead of a bath. Only water the garden when absolutely necessary.

Why do people use soil instead of sand?

Soil generally has more nutrients and holds water better

Related questions

What do you use the carrot for in wimpywonderland?

you go to the snowman (fregley) and put in on his nose by clicking on him hope i helped :)

Where to use the carrot in poptropica diary of a wimpy kid winter wonderland?

Use it to put the nose on the snowman (Fregly) beside Rowleys house. Nothing will happen.

How do you free the boy from the snowman in Wimpy Wonderland?

i you have the carrot click use next to the snowman

Were do you use the carrot in wimpy wonderland poptropica?

when you find the carrot put it on the snowman at fregley house

Where do you get the ploter for bingo on poptropica wimpy wonderland?

Walk up the hill to the snowman. Use the carrot you found to give the snowman a nose. Someone is inside the snowman and will say ouch!Now use the leaf blower to blow the snow away and Fregley will appear. He'll give you Frederick, his Bingo Troll as a token of gratitude for getting him out of the snowman.

What do you use the carrot for on wimpy wonderland on poptrica?

you use the carrot to put on fregley (he is snowman with glasses) after that, he will ask you to help him out of the snow.

How do you get the bingo blotter in island diary of the wimpy kid?

Put carrot on Fregly's nose(Snowman) and use leaf blower to blow off snow and he gives you blotter(troll)

What do you use the carrot on in Wimpy Wonderland?

Stick it in the snowman that looks like Fregley.

How do you get the troll doll from fregly?

you have to free him from being a snowman. you use a leaf blower and you also get a carrot.

Where do you get the get the bingo troll on wimpy wonderland on Poptropica?

you get the carrot from the little kids snowman then you go in Gregg's garage and get the leaf blower, then you put the carrot on Freggly (the kid in the snowman) and he will ask you to get him out of the snowman, then you use the leaf blower and he will give you his bingo troll

What do you use the carrot for on Wimpy Wonderland island?

Stick it on the snowman Fregely is hiding in. (next to Rowley's house)

How do you get fregley's marker on wimpy wonderland?

Obtain the carrot after Manny ran over Billy's snowman, then get Rodrick out of his room, go into the garage, get the leafblower, use it on snowman Fregly