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Some of the uses of hydrogen peroxide are:

  1. An aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide is used as germicide, antiseptic, preservative for milk and wine, bleaching agents for soft materials.
  2. It is used as an antichlor and in refreshing old oil paintings which became black.
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6y ago
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15y ago

it kills all of the germs in a wound. it also helps to stop bleeding. if you brush your teeth with it once a week, it can prevent gigngivitis, it gets that disgusting white crap off of your tounge, and it also whitens teeth!!! you're all very welcome...

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11y ago

Cleaning cuts and other flesh wounds.

Also, you can leave it exposed to sunlight (by putting in a glass in next a window), and after a while it will turn completely into water. Because Hydrogen Peroxide is H2O2, the light causes the the extra oxygen molecule to leave. The end result is H2O, so you could say another use is for drinking, but only after leaving the sunlight for a while! :D

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15y ago

in water factories and to fuel cars in water factories and to fuel cars

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12y ago

Commanly used as an antiseptic. Can be used (with water) to get out miscellaneous stains, and can also be used (with water) to heal gums when swirled in the mouth.

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Is that hydrogen peroxide solution use in Clorox?

Clorox hasn't hydrogen peroxide in the composition.

When do women use hydrogen peroxide?

Women may use hydrogen peroxide as a disinfectant for minor cuts and wounds, as a mouthwash for oral hygiene, to lighten hair or nails, or as a vaginal douche for certain medical conditions. It is important to use hydrogen peroxide as directed by a healthcare professional to avoid potential side effects.

Use of hydrogen peroxide in robots?

Hydrogen Peroxide is not directly use to a robot. It is however used along with a robotic devices. Hydrogen Peroxide is dispersed using the robotic device to detoxify hospital bugs.

Does it HAVE to be 3 percent to dye hair with hydrogen peroxide or can you use JUST hydrogen peroxide without the three percent?

Hello you jayjay

What are Peroxisoms?

the proliferators are what the peroxisomes use to help break down the hydrogen peroxide. They do this because hydrogen peroxide is harmuful towards the cell.

Is Hydrogen peroxide teething whitening?

Hydrogen peroxide is a teeth whitener, google "hydrogen peroxide teeth."

What to use to get blood stains out of clothing?

Hydrogen peroxide

Can hydrogen peroxide be applied after skin biopsy?

Hydrogen peroxide is a very drying solution, and can impede, or interfere with the natural healing process. You should only use Hydrogen Peroxide on a wound if directed by a medical physician.

What is the difference in hydrogen and hydrogen Peroxide?

Hydrogen is a diatomic, colorless gas with the chemical formula H2, while hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound with the formula H2O2. Hydrogen peroxide contains an extra oxygen atom compared to hydrogen, making it a more reactive compound commonly used as a disinfectant and bleaching agent.

What are the chemical properties of hydrogen peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide is a clear, colorless liquid that is miscible with water. It is a powerful oxidizing agent, capable of decomposing into oxygen and water. It is used as a disinfectant and bleaching agent due to its ability to break down organic materials.

What are peroxisome proliferators?

the proliferators are what the peroxisomes use to help break down the hydrogen peroxide. They do this because hydrogen peroxide is harmuful towards the cell.

Do pharmacies sell food grade hydrogen peroxide?

No, pharmacies typically sell hydrogen peroxide for topical use as an antiseptic. Food-grade hydrogen peroxide is not typically sold in pharmacies and is often found in specialty health stores or online retailers. It's important to use caution and follow proper guidelines when using food-grade hydrogen peroxide.