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Yes, you can. Olive oil will affect the flavor of the muffins, so would be most successful in savory muffins - corn, cheese or spicy muffins with sage and thyme, or chopped onion and celery. For sweet muffins, I recommend canola oil because it has a neutral taste. But olive oil works for sweet muffins, too. It's used in several types of Italian cakes.

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13y ago
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11y ago

Yes you can use sunflower oil instead of vegetable oil!

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11y ago

yes as its tastleless veggie oil is also ok

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10y ago

Yes, you can use sunflower oil in cooking.

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13y ago

it is better to use vegetable oil or canola oil rather than sunflower oil

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13y ago

yes you can use oil. Oil makes muffins even more moist.

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15y ago

Vegatable Oil i heard works great!

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Q: What can you use instead f sunflower oil in muffins?
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If you use clear or "light", or extra light olive oil then yes you can. Do Not use virgin, extra virgin or pomace oil as these will impart an undesireable taste.

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NO, totally different thing use bran

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White corn meal. You need the corn meal to make corn muffins.

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Yes, just put the mix into a cake tin instead of into muffin cases.

Can you subsitute vegetable oil for sunflower oil?

Absolutely. I actually use vegetable oil instead of sunflower oil regularly. It makes the cake rise better and taste better too. Vegetable oil is a great substitute for many cooking oils. And canola oil works fairly well too for cakes and most baking. I dont hardly ever use Sunflower oil because it seems to leave behind a taste. And I don't really like it. But as I said, vegetable oil is a perfect substitute.

What to use instead of sunflower margarine?

Unless you have some kind of allergy, you may substitute sunflower margarine for any kind of margarine or butter.