

What cannot cause a thread to stop execute?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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A siren, flatulence, a spaghetti dinner, many other things.

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Q: What cannot cause a thread to stop execute?
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If process stop its execution will thread also stop or it will continue to run?

Processes do not execute, it is the threads within a process that actually execute. All processes have at least one thread of execution, the main thread. If the main thread falls from scope, the process ends, taking all threads with it. This can lead to undefined behaviour if the threads are not terminated gracefully from within the main thread before it falls from scope.

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Stop threading terminates the thread and cannot be resumed whereas suspend puts thread to sleep indefinitely and it can be resumed.

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In Java, if the main thread somehow exits then all other threads will stop executing. This generally does not happen, as the main thread will wait for all child threads to terminate before the main thread itself finishes. Interrupting this process is hard to do short of an un-handled exception or a call to System.exit. If the child thread is also a daemon thread, then the child thread will continue to execute. If the child thread is a normal thread then, the moment System.exit is called, the child thread also terminates If you call the join() method from the child thread, then the main thread will wait until the child is over before executing the System.exit

What is kill thread?

A thread is an execution path through a program, initiated as an asychronous process. Killing a thread means to stop its execution. Usually, this is not a good idea. A thread should stop its own execution, either because it has completed its work, or because it was told to do so, perhaps with a shared semaphore. If you kill the thread externally, the thread stops and does not get a chance to clean things up, such as closing files and making objects consistent.

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You cannot stop tsunamis as we cannot control nature.

Threads in java?

Yes, java supports threaded execution. Threads can be created explicitly by constructing and starting a Thread object; or implicitly by running in a managed environment. For instance: a web server typically runs a thread for each http connection. Java has specific constructs for threading: the "synchronized" and "volatile" language keywords, and the "wait" and "notify" methods on the base object class. Additionally, there are objects in the standard class libraries such as threadsafe collections and higher-level mutex utility objects.

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Who stopped the executions at Auschwitz?

Hoess, the commandant. But he didn't stop them as much as he ran out of people to execute.

What is meant by a thread in java programming language?

A thread and a process are same but a minor difference is there. Process executes a program completely without splitting whereas a thread splits a program into smaller tasks and then execute them separately.And then combine the final result. that is why a process is often called as Heavy weight and a thread is called as light weight.

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No. Humans cannot stop tsunamis.

What is the purpose of Java sleep?

It pauses the execution of the program (or of the thread where it is invoked, if you have multiple threads), for the specified time.It pauses the execution of the program (or of the thread where it is invoked, if you have multiple threads), for the specified time.It pauses the execution of the program (or of the thread where it is invoked, if you have multiple threads), for the specified time.It pauses the execution of the program (or of the thread where it is invoked, if you have multiple threads), for the specified time.