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metal objects some plastic objects. Some foods are not clever to be used in a microwave like an egg, which will explode with pressure and make a mess inside your microwave oven if not break it.

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Q: What cant you put in a microwave?
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Can you put plasticine in a microwave?

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you put it in the microwave. you put it in the microwave.

Can you cook tinned food in the tin it came in on a hexi stove?

No , you cant. because you cant put tin in a microwave because of the eletrical waves flowing through and because tin is a metal , and metal is a good conductor or electricity this microwave tends to blow up. Therefore if you were too put a tin on the stove. You would have the same results.

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If you put them in the microwave for 30 seconds then take them out and put them on, they form to your feet, that is why people microwave their shoes.

Can you put a rock in the microwave?

Of course you can but the real question is should you put a rock in the microwave.

What can you put on top of a microwave?

anything you want its your microwave

How do you roast chestnuts in microwave?

put the roaster in the microwave

Why can't i put metal in the microwave?

if you put a metal in your microwave it will create a spark and when you hold it it will create a shock so don't put any metals inside the microwave it is dangerous

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Can you put iridescent glass in the microwave?

You can put ANY type of glass in a microwave! Just be careful not to put it near a stove .

Can you put plastic tubs in the microwave?

Some plastic tubs are microwave proof whilst others are not. The tub should have writing on it or a label that it came with to indicate if it can be put in the microwave. If you can put it in the microwave remember to remove the lid slightly or completey.

Can you melt butter in the micorowave?

Put the butter in a microwave safe bowl then put in microwave for about 30 seconds.