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Q: What carbonate decomposed most easily?
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Why does sodium carbonate not decompose when heated using?

Sodium carbonate is easily decomposed by heating: Na2CO3----------Na2O + CO2

What happen when lithium carbonate is heated?

Lithium carbonate is thermally decomposed by heating.

What happens when li carbonate is decomposed?

If you think to lithium carbonate the reaction is:Li2CO3------------------Li2O + CO2

What happens when zinc reacts with sodium chloride?

Any reaction, zinc carbonate is easily decomposed by heating.

Why sodium carbonate decomposed?

The reaction is:Na2CO3--------------Na2O + CO2

What are 3 chemicals that don't form a liquid?

Examples: calcium carbonate, potassium carbonate, sodium carbonate. These compounds are decomposed before melting.

Thermal stability of group 2 carbonates?

Carbonates are decomposed by heating in oxides and carbon dioxide; the temperatures of decomposition are: - Beryllium carbonate: decomposed at room temperature. - Magnesium carbonate: 400 0C - Calcium carbonate: 900 0C - Strontium carbonate: 1 280 0C - Barium carbonate: 1 360 0C - Radium carbonate: I have not yet found data.

What is the melting temperature of calcite?

Calcite (calcium carbonate) is decomposed by heating.

What compound was decomposed sugar or salt?

Sugar is easily decomposed by heating.

A Carbonate not decomposed by heat?

A carbonate not decomposed by heat is sodium bicarbonate. The bonds of sodium bicarbonate is so strong that too much energy is required to break them down.

How does calcium carbonate influence weld quality?

Calcium carbonate is decomposed and the products CO/CO2 form a gas shielding for the weld.

What is the melting point of seashells?

The seashell is fomed from calcium carbonate; CaCO3 is thermally decomposed by heating.