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The surface of the opocorn or raisin allows bubbles to form and they stick to the surface. This allows them to float.

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Q: What carbonated substances will make raisins or popcorn float the best?
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How do raisins float in ginger ale?

The raisins become coated with bubbles of carbon dioxide that leave the carbonated ginger ale. These can cause some raisins to float, or to pop up and down along the bottom of the glass. If the ginger ale goes "flat" then the raisins will sink to the bottom and stay there.

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answer it

How does mixing baking soda water vinegar and raisins make the raisins float up then sink?

raisins will float due there carbonarion and the raisins low density level in them.

What is the purpose of testing swimming raisins?

the pupose is compared to regular water the raisins will sink and the vinegar,bakingsoda with water makes a chemical reaction for the raisins to float.

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What is the purpose of the dancing raisins experiment?

the purpose of the dancing raisins project is showing that the carbonation of the soda can float the raisins up in tiny bubbles and make them dance

What substances will float in water?


How do you make a baseball float on Webkinz?

use popcorn,pretzel,and rootbeer

Why does club soda have bubbles when you put half raisins in it?

club soda usually has bubbles no matter what you put in there. but when you put the raisins in the club soda, the raisins will dance around because the club soda has carbon. which makes the raisins float or as you say dance.

How will a raisin sink?

Raisins sink in water because they are denser. However, the carbon dioxide molecules found in soda float to the top because they want to escape from the liquid. These CO2 molecules (seen as bubles) attatch to the raisins pulling them up to the surface as well. When the CO2 bubles reach the surface, they pop and the raisins begin to sink again.