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Glaciers can because of their frozen state.

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Q: What carries the largest rocks glaciers or rivers?
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How does glaciers and rivers form new rocks?

Glaciers and rivers transport eroded rock material (sediment), that can form new sedimentary rock after deposition.

What wears away igneous rocks?

Entrained grit in glaciers and rivers.

How glaciers and rivers affect rocks?

glaciers move them downhill and scratch the surface of the valley from a river 'v' to a glacial 'u' they also move lots of rocks. rivers move rocks downstream the higher upstream the more rough and sharp edged they are, downstream they are smoother and rounder due to erosion.

How does the water in rivers become salty?

On the waters route back to the sea, it collects minerals and salts from the earths rocks and carries them back to the sea via rivers and streams.

What material is included in the hydrosphere that is not in liquid form?

Parts of the hydrosphere include oceans, seas, glaciers, lakes, rivers, clouds and other water in the atmosphere, and underground water.

How can glaciers erode rocks?

The glacier can carry rocks. The moving of the glacier.

What are three forces that can carry sediment?

Wind, water, and gravity, ice (i.e Glaciers with rocks frozen in them.) -Wind- Picks up sediment and blows it to another place - Water, Carries sediment with... flowing water - Gravity- Making sediments fall down (I.e landslides) - Ice - Rocks with ice in them. (i.e Glaciers with rocks frozen in them.) Falls off when thawed.

Rivers glaciers wind and waves all can cause?

a. They can cause rocks to weather. b. They can cause the rock cycle to stop. c. They can cause volcanoes to erupt. d. They can cause metamorphic rocks to form.

What happens when water runs through or over rocks and carries small amounts of minerals away?

It's called erosion. Water carries Minerals away and it erodes the rock over millions of years. The Grand Canyon Was eroded by glaciers. The four agents of erosion are: Water,glaciers,wind,and...I forgot. Hope that helps!

Do glaciers melt rocks?

No. Rocks need to reach very high temperatures in order to melt. Glaciers, being made of ice, are cold. Glaciers do, however, grind rocks down into smaller pieces quite easily.

What are large rocks transported by?


What is a rock's disposition?

The deposition of a rock is defined as how it is deposited somewhere. Most rocks are deposited by being carried in rivers, flash flooding, rainstorm runoffs, and even glaciers.