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Cash crops that were grown in the Middle Colonies included fruits, vegetables, and grain.

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wheat and tobacco. they also raised cattle and pork.

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13y ago

Tobacco. During early colonial times that crop supported most of the economy in the middle colonies.

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Q: What cash crop grew in middle colonies?
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Why are Middle Colonies important?

they grew cash crops and food cash crops as tabbaco metal and others

Why are the middle colonies important?

they grew cash crops and food cash crops as tabbaco metal and others

What geographic conditions did the middle colonies have?

The middle colonies had lots of forests(lumber), grew cash crops, and also lots of bread and were known as the "breadbasket colonies".

What was not a major cash crop of the southern colonies?

Rice was not a cash crop for the southern colonies but tobacco, indigo, and corn wheat were. In addition, perhaps the biggest cash crop grown in the southern colonies was cotton. The South grew to rely so heavily on cotton and the money it generated that it began to direct their society, leading to the Southern dependence on slavery.

What was the colonies cash crop?

it's not tobacco, the main export in the new England colonies (Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut and Rhode Island) was ships, because of their many points. the main crops were wheat and corn. tobacco was the cash crop, along with the indigo plant, in the southern colonies (Virginia, Maryland, The Carolina's, and Georgia). the middle colonies (New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware) were corn and wheat, mostly. actually the answer is tobacco for any test or anything you moron There are people trying to look up a question for help I think calling someone a moron is inappropriate..

Did the southern plantations grow a single cash crop or more than one at a time?

Well, actually the southern plantations grew only a single cash crop. Which was tobacco, then when the middle passage, and the slaves came to the south, tobacco was no longer the cash crop. It was cotton

What was a large southern farm that only grew one crop?

cash crop

Is corn a food crop or a cash crop?

it is actually counted as both. it depends on where you are. it is considered a cash crop in Nebraska. it is there most grew crop there. any where else it is a food crop.

What types of farming did the middle colonies do?

some cash crops and mostly they grew wheat, corn, and oats. no tobacco or cotton

Which cash crop grew well on warm wet land?


Why were Middle Colonies known as the breadbasket of the colonies?

Because their best crop was wheat and it produced the most of it out of the 3 colony groups.

What is a sentence for cash crop?

Many farmers grew there crops more than they needed, so they used the crops they didn't need as a cash crop.