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Q: What categories has the most species a Angiosperms b Gymnosperms c Conifers d mosses e ferns?
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What is the difference between angoisperm and gymnosperm?

Gymnosperm - 'naked seed'the endosperm is (n haploid)trees and conesphylem coniferophytaphylem gnetophytaphylem cycadophytaphylem ginkgophytaAngiosperm - flowering plant hohohothe endosperm is (3n triploid)fruits and flowersphylem anthophyta pop

Is a cedar tree a monocot or a dicot?

Neither, because it is not an angiosperm (flowering plant). A monocot (monocotyledon) is an angiosperm with one cotyledon (seed-leaf) while a dicot (dicotyledon) is an angiosperms with two cotyledons (seed-leaves). Western red cedars are gymnosperms. A gymnosperm has "naked seeds" meaning that the seeds (ovules) are not found in an ovary but rather on leaves, scales or in cones.

How many groups of gymnosperms exist today?

There are four main groups of gymnosperms that exist today, namely cycads, Ginkgo biloba, gnetophytes, and conifers. These groups are distinct based on their morphology and reproductive structures.

What are the diversity of classification of plantae?

Plants are classified into division based on characteristics like presence of vascular tissue, presence of seeds, and type of reproductive structures. Some main plant divisions include bryophytes (mosses), pteridophytes (ferns), gymnosperms (cone-bearing plants), and angiosperms (flowering plants). Within these divisions, plants are further classified into various families, genera, and species.

What is the scientific name of an gymnosperm?

Gymnosperms are any of a group of vascular plants that produce naked seeds (not enclosed in an ovary or fruit). They were formerly considered a class (Gymnospermae) of seed plants, but are now considered polyphyletic in origin and divided into several divisions, four with surviving members typified by the cycadophytes, conifers, ginkgo, and ephedras.fern

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What are two local tree species that are gymnosperms?

Conifers are gymnosperms. Leylandi etc

Are gymnosperms more common than angiosperms?

No, angiosperms are more common than gymnosperms. Angiosperms, also known as flowering plants, make up the majority of plant species on Earth and are the dominant plant group in most ecosystems. Gymnosperms, which include conifers and cycads, are a smaller group by comparison.

Is a cherry blossom a gymnosperms?

Angiosperm; gymnosperms are plants that are characterised by "open" seeds for example cone-bearing plants such as various conifers, pines, cycas and encephalartos species.

What are the two largest groups in the plant kingdom?

The largest grouping in the plant kingdom is division

What is the difference between angoisperm and gymnosperm?

Gymnosperm - 'naked seed'the endosperm is (n haploid)trees and conesphylem coniferophytaphylem gnetophytaphylem cycadophytaphylem ginkgophytaAngiosperm - flowering plant hohohothe endosperm is (3n triploid)fruits and flowersphylem anthophyta pop

What is the gymnosprems reproductive structures called?

"Gymnosperm" is an informal term for any plant of the extant groups Coniferophyta, (conifers) Cycadophyta, (cycads) Ginkgophyta (1 species gingko biloba), and Gnetophyta as opposed to the angiosperms or flowering plants. Gymnosperms reproduce by means of seeds. Unfertilised seeds are called "ovules" With the first cell division it is called a "zygote" and thereafter an "embryo". The male gene carrier is called pollen. (For more about pollen - ask. The seeds of gymnosperms are in direct contact with the environment (can be covered with a scale as in "cones"). The ovules of angiosperms, by contrast, are encased in an ovary.

Is a cedar tree a monocot or a dicot?

Neither, because it is not an angiosperm (flowering plant). A monocot (monocotyledon) is an angiosperm with one cotyledon (seed-leaf) while a dicot (dicotyledon) is an angiosperms with two cotyledons (seed-leaves). Western red cedars are gymnosperms. A gymnosperm has "naked seeds" meaning that the seeds (ovules) are not found in an ovary but rather on leaves, scales or in cones.

What is the difference between gymnosperms and angiosperms?

Gymnosperms are seed-producing plants with naked seeds, typically found in cones or on scales. Angiosperms are seed-producing plants with enclosed seeds, typically found in fruits. Additionally, angiosperms have flowers for reproduction, while gymnosperms do not.

What are the most common type of plants on earth?

The most common types of plants on Earth are angiosperms (flowering plants) and gymnosperms (non-flowering seed plants). Within these categories, grasses, trees, and shrubs are among the most widespread plant species.

What is a gymnsperm?

gymnosperms are amember of the plantaw kindom that has a vascular system and produces naked seeds...they are mostly conifers. there are many species some are pines, spruces redwoods and cedars

What proudes soft trees?

this is what I can tell u.Softwoods, or conifers, belong to the group of plants known as gymnosperms (flowerless seed-bearing plants). Conifers include pines, cedars, spruces, larches, and firs, and conifers are common in the world's temperate and boreal (northern) regions.Hardwoods belong to the group of plants called angiosperms (flowering plants). They include broad-leaved tree species such as oak, maple, beech, walnut, mahogany, teak, and balsa.The wood of some softwood trees is harder than that of some hardwood trees.

The first land inhabitating plants are?

The first land-inhabiting plants were likely mosses and liverworts. These early plants played a key role in the colonization of land by providing a foundation for other plant species to follow. Over time, more complex plants, such as ferns and gymnosperms, evolved.