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Q: What category is hurricane Fey in?
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What category i hurricane fey in?


What category was hurricane fey?

The storm named Fay never reached hurricane status. Fay peaked as a strong tropical storm with 70 mph winds. Winds must reach at least 74 mph for a storm to be considered a hurricane.

What category was hurricane Micheal in?

Hurricane Mitch was a category 5 hurricane.

What category is Fey in?

Two I think

What was the category of hurricane ISABLE?

Hurricane Isabel was a category 5 hurricane.

What is the wind speed for hurricane fey?

80 mph

First Category of hurricane is?

The first category of a hurricane is category 1.

What is hurricane Hanna's category?

It was a category 1 hurricane.

What category is hurricane Hanna in?

It was a category 1 hurricane.

What category hurricane was hurricane isaac?

Category two

What category was hurricane Harvey?

Hurricane Andrew was a Category 5 hurricane with 175 mph winds. The pressure was 922 mbar.

What category hurricane was hurricane tanya 1995?

Hurricane Tanya was a category 1.