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Dolomite is a carbonate. The formula is CaMg(CO3)2

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Q: What category of mineral is dolomite?
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Related questions

Is dolomite valuable?

Yes, dolomite can be valuable because it is a mineral that is commonly used in construction, agriculture, and as a source of magnesium. It is often used as a building and ornamental stone due to its hardness and beautiful appearance. Additionally, dolomite is sometimes used as a soil conditioner to improve the pH levels and nutrient availability in agricultural soils.

What type of rock is the mineral dolomite found in?

Dolomite (Magnesium Carbonate) is a sedimentary rock.

Is dolomite a metal?

Dolomite is a mineral - calcium magnesium carbonate CaMg(CO3)2.

Is dolomite metallic?

Dolomite is a mineral - calcium magnesium carbonate CaMg(CO3)2.

What mineral group contains limestone dolomite and marble?

== Limestone, dolomite and marble are carbonate rocks.

What mineral contains magnesium used for vitamins?


What is the mineral composition of dolomite?

CaMg (CO3)2

Greyish brown mineral similar to dolomite?


What mineral is harder then dolomite?

There are many. Topaz is one.

What are some related minerals to dolomite?

The mineral dolomite is classified as a carbonate mineral. Other carbonate minerals include calcite, smithsomite, rhodochrosite, cerussite, ankerite, azurite, and malachite.

What are the colors of dolomite?

Dolomite is a light-colored nonmetallic mineral. It comes in many colors including white, gray, creme, and pink. However, dolomite can also be colorless.

Which mineral scratches dolomite and is scratched by olivine?

potassium feldspar