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on my left ankle my vein burst through my skin and was bleeding every where,comming out like a fountain.

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Q: What cause burst veins on legs and is it fatal?
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What are the symptoms of varicose veins?

Some common symptoms of varicose veins include: * Aching pain * Easily tired legs * Leg heaviness * Swelling in the legs * Darkening of the skin (in severe cases) * Numbness in the legs * Itching or irritated rash in the legs

Your legs are so weak will varicose veins cauce this?

Varicose veins can cause varying degrees of discomfort, including aching heavy legs (especially at night or after hard exercise). Generally, varicose veins would not cause your legs to become extremely weak unless they formed painful ulcers externally. Consult your doctor for other possible causes.

Does heat help blood circulation in legs?

Yes. Heat will cause an expansion of the veins in the legs causing an increasing in blood circulation throughout the legs.

Which term is when veins swoolen veins in her legs?

Varicose veins.

What is the function of the valves in veins in legs?

The valves help to prevent blood from seeping backwards. They provide a one way valve. When valves begin to fail blood may become stagnant and cause unsightly varicose veins - usually in the legs..

What is the function of valves in veins in the legs?

The valves help to prevent blood from seeping backwards. They provide a one way valve. When valves begin to fail blood may become stagnant and cause unsightly varicose veins - usually in the legs..

Why are my legs getting a lot of big green veins?

if they are on the back of your knees and legs they might be slightly turning into varicose veins.

Does Wst Nile Virus cause paralysis of hind legs?

West Nile virus can cause paralysis of hind legs as well as paralysis of other parts of the body. If left untreated, West Nile virus can be fatal.

Your twelve year daughter has spider veins on her legs Could medications from drip that she was receiving after an operation cause this?

no that is not possible sorry EK 09

What is red and blue marks on legs?

Your veins

How do you prevent blood pooling in your legs?

Blood will pool in the legs for several reasons. The first can be due to the lack of movement (such as standing still for a long time); the gravity prevents the blood from travelling up to the heart due to the lower pressure system. The second may be due to damaged vein valves. The valves that stop the blood from backflowing can be damaged by excessive pooling of blood from lifestyle factors such as standing and crossing your legs. This excessive pooling can cause the surface veins in your legs to bulge with blood and cause varicose veins. The last reason may be due to genetic reasons for weaker walls of the veins.

Is putting your legs up a way to remove varicose veins?

no. putting legs up can prevent new ones. only surgery can remove those veins.