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The three symptoms of the Black Death which are most often comment upon are the large swellings around the lymph glands (buboes), the red spots on the skin that rapidly turn black, and the strong smell of carrion that an infected person exudes. (In many cases of Bubonic Plague the infected person begins to decay before they are dead).

In fact there are several other indicative symptoms:- but because they are less gruesome they sometimes get overlooked.

The three main forms of the disease are Bubonic, Pneumonic, Septicaemic; (Blisters, coughing blood, blood-poisoning).

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Q: What cause did the 3 forms of the plague in the Black Death make?
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Was the black death a virois?

There is not a 100% agreement on what pathogen (or combination of pathogens) caused the black death, but the dominant opinion is that it was caused by a strain of the Y. Pestis bacteria, which in its modern forms can cause pneumonic, septicemic, and bubonic plague.

What were the plagues during Black Death?

That was a plague epidemic, which has two main forms: bubonic plague (you get a srt of boils filled with a cangrenous liquid which is black, hence the name) and a pneumonic form (which involves the respiratory tract). The Black Death was of course a bubonic plague epidemic.

Is black death the same as cholera?

Answer:Technically, no, but they both happened at the same time The Black Death had two plagues during it, the Pneumonic and the BUBONIC so I can see where your coming fromMore:Bubonic plague is one of three possible manifestations of a disease, and the Black Death was one specific epidemic of the same disease, in which all manifestations appeared. (In addition to the bubonic and pneumonic forms of the plague, there is a form called septicemic).Please use the link below for more information.

What is another name for the black death?

Answer to "Were there other names for the black death?"Another name for the Black Death is the Black Plague. In the Middle Ages, people called it the "Great Pestilence"' and the "Great Plague." Medieval writers referred to the plague as the "Great Mortality." The term "Black Death" has actually only been used since 1833. AlsoThe names for the 3 different forms of the Black Death were the Bubonic plague, Septicemic plague, and the Pneumonic Plague.Answer to "Were there other names for the black death?"· Great Pestilence · Great Plague· Great Mortality· Black Death· Black Plague· Bubbonic Plague· Septicemic plague· Pneumonic Plague

What are two types of plague?

One type is from a bite of a flea that carries the disease. The spot where the person is bitten turns black and forms a pustule. The other type was carried by the air and came from a cough of an infected person ( like the flu). The people who got the plague this way died faster than the people with the bite.

What germs caused the Black Death?

The Black Death was a specific outbreak of the bubonic plague. In Europe it was mostly during the period of 1347 to 1350, though it lasted in some areas for a few years after that. It also devastated large parts of Asia.The bubonic plague is caused by bacteria of the species Yersinia pestis. Though the term bubonic plague is used as a term to cover all forms of the disease, there are three forms. The most common form, also called bubonic plague when the forms are being distinguished, is transmitted by flea bytes. If the disease gets into the lungs, it is called pneumonic plague, which can be transmitted by coughing putting disease-bearing particles into the air. If the disease gets into the blood, it is called septicemic plague.The Black Death ran its course, killing until there were too few disease-bearing animals to keep it going. The bubonic plague returned many times, but never again with the large numbers of fatalities of the Black Death. The first effective cures appeared in the 20th century.

Why was the bubonic plague called the black death?

Because the Yersinia pestis bacteria forms back boils on the surface of the skin. Look at the picture at the link below to answer your question. Internal bleeding also cause blood to pool under the skin, turning it black.

What kind of sickness is the black plague?

Answer:The Bubonic plague (Black Death) developed in the middle ages. it was said to be passed on by fleas to rats on merchant ships. The rats then passed it on to the people on the ships who easily transferred it to anyone they came in contact with. All they had to do was breathe on them. The plague made areas of the human body turn black and/or purple, and about 6 million people died from it

What part of the body does the black plague affect?

The skin and the vital organs. It is also called the Bubonic plague because it forms lumps on the skin.

What were the three forms of the Black Death?

Smoking,coffee,and death (-) (-)

What are the forms of plague?

There were two forms of plague, one Bubonic and the other Pneumonic. Pneumonic was not currable.

What were black death forms?

Black Death spread via fleas and direct contact. It showed bloody vomit fever and tumors and death.