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Heartburn and chest pain can be difficult to distinguish. However, some clear differences exist. Chest pain that is cardiac in nature cannot be relived by antacid and can sometimes be relived by nitroglycerin. Cardiac chest pain can radiate down the left arm or up into the jaw.

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Q: What cause pain below the sternum or what is heartburn?
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Can steroids cause heartburn pain underneath the ribs?

yes because its damage to your body.

What are thr symptoms of heartburn?

The symptoms of heartburn include a burning pain in the chest that usually occurs after eating and may occur at night. Heartburn can cause pain that worsens when lying down or bending over. Heartburn can also cause severe chest pain, difficulty breathing an jaw or arm pain.

Can strong coffee cause heartburn?

Heartburn is experienced when acid from the stomach passes back into the food pipe causing irritation and pain. Coffee and many other foods increase acid secretion in the stomach, but this does not necessarily cause heartburn; although for some people it might. What is recommended is to be aware of the foods that cause this and avoid it.

Should you avoid foods that cause heartburn?

Chicken,beef,and pork are one of the most recommended food for heartburn. When you suffer from heartburn, you to try to stay away from food with acid.

What could cause pain in the middle of your chest between the lungs?

Hitting itCutting itDrinking/eating something bad

Where is substernal pain felt?

Underneath the sternum (breastbone).

Can heartburn cause difficuilt breathing?

Chest pain due to heartburn usually does not cause shortness of breath. Chest pain with shortness of breath is a warning sign of a heart attack.

Is it Heartburn or a Heart Attack?

Do you know the difference between heartburn and heart attack symptoms? Severe heartburn can mimic a heart attack. Here are a few signs of heartburn that may be mistaken for a heart attack.Responds almost immediately to antacidsSharp pain below the ribs or breastboneBurning sensation below the ribs or breastbonePain rarely radiates to the back, neck, shouldersPain shows up when feeling stressed or anxious, or after eating, exercising or lying down after a big meal.

What causes pain in the sternum?

Pain in the sternum can be caused by conditions such as costochondritis (inflammation of the cartilage that connects the ribs to the sternum), muscle strain, trauma, or conditions affecting the heart or lungs like angina or pleurisy. It's important to consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What can cause severe pain under center of rib cage?

Severe pain under the center of your rib cage can be an indicator of a couple of things. It could be heartburn, an ulcer, gall stones, or a simple stomach bug.

What would cause chest pain left of sternum lasting for five days with upper left back pain?

Sounds like it could be pleurisy? Try looking at this websit

You tore your muscle from your sternum and your in a lot of pain what should you do?

Seek medical attention.