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To avoid enslavement by the Spanish conquerors.

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Q: What caused the carib and arawaks to leave Venezuela to?
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When did the Spanish leave Venezuela?

A series of uprisings leading to an 1811 Declaration, then Wars, of Independence, culminating in Independence in 1823.

What is a stress-leave disability?

A stress-leave disability is a disability caused by stress and or anxiety.

Why do people from Venezuela leave?

The reason some people leave Venezuela is because they cannot accept that a man they wrongly call a dictator Hugo Chavez was democratically elected by the majority of Venezuelans. Because Chavez irritates the USA some Venezuelans find it easier to enter the US as "political exiles'.

Does a Canadian citizen with a Canadian passport born in Venezuela need a venezuelan passport to enter and leave Venezuela?

No really. But if you have a Venezuelan passport it would be easier than to enter using your Canadian Passport. Since you are born in Venezuela you are a citizen by birth and therefore is able to apply for a Venezuelan passport unless the law says otherwise.

What caused the israelites to leave cannan and travel to Egypt?

Famine in Canaan. Much the same as what caused many Oklahomans, Texans, and New Mexicans to leave the plains and travel to California in the 1930s.

What caused people to leave the Massachusetts bay colony?

What caused people to leave the Massachusetts Bay Colony is that church leaders or ministers did not take ideas from their own. Some were forced out of Massachusetts.

Who caused many people to leave the Catholic Church?

Martin luther

How does water leave the surface of the earth?

This is caused by evaporation which is when water turns into gas :)

What did Henry do to people that went agains the relion?

he caused the pope to leave Brittan

What caused Israelite's to leave Canaan and go to Egypt?

drought and crop failures

What caused the Israelite's to leave Canaan and go to Egypt?

drought and crop failures

What could have caused the death of dasaratha in the story Ramayana?

The depression caused due to the exile of his son Rama caused his death. He really loved his son but could not stop him to leave.