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A better understanding of cladistics.

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Q: What caused the change in the number of kingdoms of classification?
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Why is the number of domains and kingdoms subject to change?

As time passes we are learning more and more about organisms and new scientific discoveries are evolving. In order to keep up with new discoveries, we have to adapt to the classification systems. Plants and animals will continue to evolve and change, and as a result classification systems will continue to change.

How to use classification in a sentence?

My classification number was 8562.


The classification of species.

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What is the Dewey classification number for jokes and riddles?

The Dewey Decimal Classification number for jokes and riddles is 818.5.

Which level of classification has the most number of species in it?

The level of classification with the most number of species is the kingdom.

How does the number of characteristics shared by all members of a classification levelchange as you progress from species to kingdom?

Carolus Linnaeus was the Swedish botanist who created a classification method for organisms. The number of organisms at each level of classification increases as one progresses from species to kingdom.

What technological changes led to the number of kingdoms?

the microscope

What is the best classification for -14 in the real number system?

The best classification is that it is "the real number -14". Any other classification is less good because it will be less precise: some other number will also qualify.

Which kingdoms make up the largest number of organisms?


What is the classification of the sum of a rational number and an irrational number?

It is always an irrational number.

How are organism placed into domains an kingdoms?

Organisms are placed into domains and kingdoms based on their cell type ,their ability to make food ,and the number of cells in their bodies