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Q: What caused the riot of Pompeii?
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What volcanic activity caused the most destruction in Pompeii?

volcanic activity caused the most destruction in pompeii

What damage did Pompeii do?

pompeii was caused a civil war which was won by gaius julius Caesar

What might have caused their suffocation in Pompeii?

The dense cloud of ash as well as the pyroclastic flows of hot and toxic gasses caused the suffocation in Pompeii.

Why did Emperor Nero ban games at Pompeii for 10 years?

A ban on gladiatorial fighting was imposed on Pompeii because there had been a destructive riot between rival factions with a great loss of life.

What is a race riot?

a riot caused by hatred for one another of members of different races in the same community

What caused Mount Vesuvius to bury Pompeii?

Mount Vesuvius is an active volcano, it erupted spewing ash onto Pompeii.

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The election of what political official caused the Colfax riot?

The riot was caused by a black republican and a white democrat both claiming they won the election for sheriff. Because of this fifty people were killed in the fighting.

What caused the bread riot in Russia?

Petrograd (Today: Saint Petersburg)

What caused the riot on RuneScape before?

What caused the riot on Runescape is that they stopped the PKing ability so people wont lose as many items and complain. I thought this was a good idea but people thought different.

What book in the Bible mentions a riot caused by Paul?

Paul's preaching led to a riot in the city of Ephesus. The account is found in Acts 19.

Which of Stravinsky's ballet's caused a riot at the first performance?

The riot occurred at the premier of Stravinky's "Le sacre du printemps," or in English, "The Rite of Spring."