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Q: What causes Air pollution in urban areas?
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Do you agree air is cleaner in the countryside than in the big cities?

Air is technically cleaner in the country side as most of the smog/pollution comes from factories, etc. Most of these factories are located in urban areas (city areas) due to closer access to the city. The smog spreads out as it moves due to wind and so the pollution/air quality in the country side (rural) is clearer and less congested with pollution. But technically there is still a lot of pollution but it's just spread out a lot.

What causes the air pollution of southwest asia?

Sometimes oil spills can cause pollution.

What problems are caused by industrial and urban growth?

Industrial and urban growth can lead to several problems, including pollution of air, water, and soil due to increased industrial activities and waste disposal. It can also result in deforestation and habitat destruction as urban areas expand. Additionally, rapid industrialization and urbanization can strain infrastructure and public services, leading to challenges in providing adequate housing, transportation, and healthcare.

Describe types of pollution?

The various types of pollution include air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution. Air pollution arises due to chemical emissions during combustion processes. Water pollution can occur when industrial effluents are released into rivers.

What causes corosion on Cleopatra's needles?

Because the so-called Cleopatra's needles are made of granite, air pollution or acid rain would be a cause of corrosion.

Related questions

What are the main sources of air pollution in urban areas?

Cars & Factories

Is the air quality forecast likely to be better in urban areas or in rural areas?

Air quality forecasts are generally better in rural areas than in urban areas. Urban areas tend to have higher levels of pollution from traffic, industry, and other sources, which can lead to poorer air quality. Rural areas typically have less pollution and cleaner air.

Can you give me a sentence using the word pollution?

Air pollution is a growing concern in urban areas due to the increase in vehicle emissions.

Get you a hypothesis about air pollution?

Increased levels of air pollution are positively correlated with higher rates of respiratory illnesses and allergies in urban areas. This hypothesis suggests that individuals living in areas with high air pollution are more likely to experience adverse respiratory health effects compared to those in areas with lower pollution levels.

Is air pollution the same as light pollution?

No. Air pollution is when smoke from a factory of building is released into the atmosphere and light pollution is the overuse of artificial lights in urban areas which prevents dim stars and clusters to be easily seen by astronomers.

What kind of pollution is in Tegucigalpa?

Tegucigalpa, like many urban areas, suffers from air pollution predominantly caused by vehicle emissions and industrial activities. Water pollution is also a concern due to inadequate wastewater treatment and runoff from urban areas. Additionally, improper waste disposal contributes to pollution in the city.

Why do urban areas receive less sunlight?

Urban areas may receive less sunlight due to the presence of tall buildings that block the sunlight, increased air pollution that scatters sunlight, and the "urban heat island" effect where buildings and pavement trap heat, creating a warmer microclimate. These factors combined can reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the ground in urban areas.

Why does air pollution harm the ozone layer?

Air pollution causes global warming. It then causes ozone depletion.

How does urban sprawl affect rural areas that are spread into?

Urban sprawl can impact rural areas by increasing development pressure, leading to loss of farmland and natural habitats. It can also strain resources such as water and energy infrastructure. Additionally, sprawl can contribute to increased traffic congestion and air pollution as urban areas expand into rural areas.

Do rural areas have cleaner air?

Rural areas often have cleaner air compared to urban areas due to lower levels of air pollution from vehicle emissions, industrial activity, and population density. However, factors such as agricultural activities, wildfires, and geographical features can also impact air quality in rural areas.

Which ozone layer is being damaged by air pollution?

Air pollution causes global warming. This then causes ozone depletion.

How ozone layer being destroyed the air pollution?

Air pollution causes Global warming. This then further causes ozone depletion.