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Tingling and numbness on left hand thumb and index finger may be caused by nerve damage or carpal tunnel. If any injury has happened to that hand, there may also be a bone fracture causing those symptoms. Another likely possibility is onset of Diabetes.

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Q: What causes Tingling and numbness on left hand thumb and index finger?
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What condition can mimic carpal tunnel syndrome?

There are several. Neck conditions where the nerve is pinched by bulging disc or disc rupture can sometimes cause localized numbness and tingling in the hands and fingers. Radial neuritis is inflammation of the radial nerve which travels down the forearm and into the thumb and index finger causes symptoms of ache, pain, tingling sens. Ulnar neuritis which some people call the carpal tunnel of the elbow, can cause numbness and tingling of the 3rd and 4th fingers. Tendonitis in the hand can cause throbbing,achey pain in the hands and fingers as well.

You have pain and numbness in your hand and pain in index finger?

maybe arthritis. if your hands and fingers and any other joint in your body it may be arthritis

What does left arm numbness and tingling in the left fingers also pain in the upper back between shoulder blade indicate?

This is a symptom of many different things. Could be as simple as a pinched nerve, or as serious as a stroke. Because you mention the pain in the right shoulder, right below or around the shoulder blade, this could be a symptom of a herniated nucleos pulposus, (HNP) Herniated disk in your cervical vertebrae. Depending on where the numbness and tingling radiates to in your fingers, is it into your thumb and index finger or does it include the the pinky finger? Make an appointment with your doc and ask for a Cervical MRI, you may find you have a C6-C7 herniation.

Which finger is the index finger?

The index finger is between your thumb and middle finger.

What is numbness in right thumb and index finger mean?

You may have overused the muscle and tendons. Use rest, ice and heat for a few days to reduce the swelling.

What can cause swelling and tingling in your index finger?

The skin sensationskin sensation of partial numbness or "pins and needles" or a typea type of "burning", "tingling" or "creeping" sensation of the skin, is known as a "paresthesia". Symptoms may start as a tingling (paresthesia) and change to a numbness, or there may be a combination of decreased sensationdecreased sensation (numbness) but with heightened sensations at certain times or with stimulation. Any type of tingling, burning, or numbness is usually a symptom related to a sensory nervesensory nerve being damaged, diseased, or injured. Causes depend on the exact location of the paresthesia sensations, but typically include a physical nerve injury type condition (e.g. a nerve entrapment or some type of pressure being applied to a nerve directly or to the spinal attachment of that nerve), or a disease condition affecting the nerves (e.g. neuropathy, diabetic neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and others). Having these sensory symptoms in multiple locations, or the recurrence of similar symptoms in different locations is a hallmark symptom of multiple sclerosis, so your doctor will likely ask about the past history of similar symptoms to assess the likelihood of multiple sclerosis as a diagnosis (see symptoms of multiple sclerosis). Any of these tingling or numbness symptoms are more than just annoying; they can indicate a serious medical condition and require promptmedical diagnosismedical diagnosis by a professional.

What do you call the width of the index finger?

There is no scientific name for the width of the index finger. The name index finger literally means pointing finger.

Shoulder pain with numbness in finger and thumb?

Go to nearest emergency room for cardiac evaluation immediately....

Had a local in the index finger 12 hours ago and is still numb?

It goes on the index finger because the index finger is the only finger that has a tendon connected to the heartThere is no scientific name for the width of the index finger

Is the ring finger lateral to the index finger?

is the index finger lateral to the ring fingers

Why must you shoot with the index finger?

you dont shoot with your index finger

How do you play an b flat scale?

Index finger on Bb, thumb on C, index finger on D, middle finger on Eb, thumb on F, index finger on G, middle finger on A and ring finger on Bb.