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A balloon holds its shape because of the pressure exerted by the air or gas inside it against the elastic material of the balloon. The elasticity of the balloon material allows it to stretch and expand, maintaining the shape formed by the internal pressure.

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Q: What causes a balloon to hold its shape?
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Will a long balloon or a round balloon hold more air than the other?

A long balloon typically holds more air than a round balloon due to its shape and design, which allows for increased volume capacity. The elongated shape of a long balloon allows it to expand more when filled with air compared to a round balloon.

Why do balloons change the shape when you blow air into it?

When you blow air into a balloon, the air molecules push against the rubber walls of the balloon, causing them to stretch and expand. The pressure of the air inside the balloon is higher than the pressure outside, which causes the balloon to inflate and change its shape.

Why does the shape and size of a balloon change when filled with air or water?

The shape and size of a balloon change when filled with air or water because the molecules of the substance fill the balloon and exert pressure on its walls. This pressure causes the balloon to expand and take on the shape of its contents. The volume of the balloon increases as more air or water is added, changing its size accordingly.

How does a balloon inflate itself?

A balloon inflates itself when air is blown into it through the opening. The pressure difference between the inside and outside of the balloon causes it to expand and take on its inflated shape.

What keeps the balloon to hold its shape?

Balloons are usually made of elastic material like latex or rubber, which allows them to stretch and expand when inflated with air or helium. The pressure of the air inside the balloon pushes against the material, causing it to hold its shape. The knots or closures at the opening of the balloon also help to maintain its form.

Related questions

Will a long balloon or a round balloon hold more air than the other?

A long balloon typically holds more air than a round balloon due to its shape and design, which allows for increased volume capacity. The elongated shape of a long balloon allows it to expand more when filled with air compared to a round balloon.

Why do balloons change the shape when you blow air into it?

When you blow air into a balloon, the air molecules push against the rubber walls of the balloon, causing them to stretch and expand. The pressure of the air inside the balloon is higher than the pressure outside, which causes the balloon to inflate and change its shape.

Why does the shape and size of a balloon change when filled with air or water?

The shape and size of a balloon change when filled with air or water because the molecules of the substance fill the balloon and exert pressure on its walls. This pressure causes the balloon to expand and take on the shape of its contents. The volume of the balloon increases as more air or water is added, changing its size accordingly.

How does a balloon inflate itself?

A balloon inflates itself when air is blown into it through the opening. The pressure difference between the inside and outside of the balloon causes it to expand and take on its inflated shape.

What keeps the balloon to hold its shape?

Balloons are usually made of elastic material like latex or rubber, which allows them to stretch and expand when inflated with air or helium. The pressure of the air inside the balloon pushes against the material, causing it to hold its shape. The knots or closures at the opening of the balloon also help to maintain its form.

What is the shape of air in the balloon?

The air inside a balloon takes the shape of the balloon itself. It expands to fill the space within the balloon, conforming to its size and shape.

Why does a balloons change shape when squeeze it?

When you squeeze a balloon, you are applying pressure to the air inside it. This increased pressure causes the air molecules to move closer together, which changes the balloon's shape. Once you release the balloon, the air molecules move back to their original positions and the balloon returns to its original shape.

Why does a balloon change its shape when you let the air out of it?

When you let the air out of a balloon, the pressure inside the balloon decreases. This reduction in pressure causes the shape of the balloon to change as the material relaxes and reverts to its original form.

When you blew air into a deflated balloon it will became round why?

When you blow air into a deflated balloon, the pressure from the air molecules pushes against the walls of the balloon, causing it to inflate and take on a round shape. The elastic material of the balloon allows it to expand and hold the air inside, maintaining its round shape until the pressure inside and outside the balloon equalizes.

Does a balloon maintain its shape after been blown up or inflated?

Yes, a balloon maintains its shape after being inflated because it is filled with air, which exerts pressure on the walls of the balloon to keep it inflated. If the balloon is tied or sealed properly, it will hold its shape until the air inside gradually seeps out over time.

What happens to the shape of a helium balloon as it rises?

As a helium balloon rises, the gas particles inside the balloon expand due to the decreasing atmospheric pressure. This causes the balloon to increase in size and stretch out, creating a more spherical shape as it ascends higher into the atmosphere.

What happens if you hold the balloon over the paper for several minutes?

If you hold the balloon over the paper for several minutes, nothing significant will happen. The balloon will continue to hold its shape, and the paper will not be affected by it. The only change you may observe is a slight static charge buildup on the balloon, which could potentially cause lightweight objects like the paper to be attracted to it.