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Q: What causes a dry and itchy sculp?
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What are the causes of an itchy scalp and what is the best cure for an itchy scalp?

Nits? Is that an answer or a question. There could be a hundred causes but the most common causes are oily scalp, not clean, dry scalp, dandruff. The list goes on and on. If you can;t seem to get it under control, you should see a dermatologist.

What causes dry scalp?

Dry scalp is an itchy and potentially embarrassing condition. it is caused by a variety of medical conditions as well as stress and weather changes.

Can a baby die with infantile eczema?

No, a baby with eczema will not die. Eczema is not a life threatening disease, it only causes dry and itchy patches of skin.

How many syllables are in the word sculpture?

There are 2 syllables. Sculp-ture.

Do ferrets get dry skin in winter?

Its very common for them to get dry skin and become very itchy during winter, mostly because 1. you have your heater on most likely which doesnt moisten the air, and 2. Most winters are very dry which causes them to get dry skin.

What could cause itchy bunghole?

Stop Shelving!! shelving causes itchy bunghole!

What can you use to dry out a lip piercing?

Why would you want to dry it out? It'll just get itchy and uncomfortable.

What can dry itchy and burning puss bumps on hand be?


What happens to someone who has psoriasis?

They get dry itchy patches of skin.

What causes itchy balls?

Mild fungal infection

What causes itchy rashes?

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