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It is caused by a decreased CSF pressure related to a small leak of CSF through the puncture site.

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Q: What causes a headache after a lumbar puncture?
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What type of aftercare is needed after a lumbar puncture?

Patients must avoid sitting or standing and remain lying down for as long as six hours after the lumbar puncture. They should also drink plenty of fluid to help prevent lumbar puncture headache

Which fluid is obtained by lumbar puncture?

Cerebrospinal fluid is obtained by lumbar puncture.

How long does it take to have a lumbar puncture?

A lumbar puncture takes about 30 minutes.

How long does a post lumbar headache last?

Lumbar puncture headaches typically begin within two days after the procedure and persist from a few days to several weeks or months.

What does a post lumbar puncture headache feel like?

These headaches usually are a dull pain, although some people report a throbbing sensation. A stiff neck and nausea may accompany the headache.

Where do you do a lumbar puncture?

Lumbar puncture is done at the level of L3 to L4.

Where in the vertical column is a lumbar puncture generally done?

I think you mean level of the vertebral column is a lumbar puncture generally performed?

Procedure formed where cerebrospinal fluid can be withdrawn without damage to the spinal cord?

a spinal tap, or lumbar puncture

A 14-year-old boy has just been admitted with symptoms of meningitis nuchal rigidity fever vomiting and lethargy The nurse knows to expect to prepare for the following test?

Prepare for lumbar puncture

What does a Lumbar Puncture diagnose?

Menningitis,for one.

Can you be put to sleep to have a lumbar puncture?

Yes, You can

Do you force fluids after lumbar puncture?
