

What causes a high speed shutter and poor gas mileage?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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I had the same problem , was told it was torque converter , i found out it was as simple as plugs and plug wires runs great

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Q: What causes a high speed shutter and poor gas mileage?
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What element is used in high speed photography?

High shutter speed and fast lens/Big open aperture.

What did Andrew Heafitz invent?

high speed shutter photography ur welcome

What three conditions will a fast shutter speed be useful?

1. High light. 2. Action. 3. High ISO.

Why won't my shutter speed change from 1000?

Question needs to be more specific. Brand and model of camera and operational mode that you are using.If the shutter speed is very high, chances are you are shooting in very bright light and the camera has some kind of inbuilt sensor which adjusts accordingly.

How do you change the shutter speed on a Samsung S630?

in manual mode press trash button. then press left or right on the kew pad for shutter speeds. note: functions will high light in RED

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Poor maintenance, high mileage, contaminated oil (antifreeze),

How do you control over shutter angle in camera?

"Shutter Angle" refers to rotary shutters used in motion picture cameras, a lower shutter angle (in degrees) means less light is allowed to expose the film and less motion blur is captured, higher angle and more light is let and more motion blur appear on flim. 180 degrees or 1/48th of a second (at 24 fps) is considered normal. The shutter angle is controlled by the shape of the rotary shutter, some cameras allow you to change the shape of the shutter or swap out for different shape shutters. Some newer or high-end cameras allow you to change the shape of the shutter while still in-camera. Your question was filed under photography, so possibly you mean "shutter speed" if your camera allows for manual control of the shutter speed it will be in 1/Nth of a second increments. A shutter speed of 1/125th of a second was taught to me as a good shutter speed to start at for medium focal lengths for a beginning shooter - to avoid blurry pictures. Also, if you're trying to freeze water in motion, birds in flight or people in motion, a high shutter speed will work well. Above 1/500th or 1/1000th of second if your camera is capable will create the desired effect. To answer effectively we probably need to know the model of camera you are using, and the purpose, happy shooting!

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The switch had a meltdown or the high speed relay is stuck.

How to take a photo of a fast moving object?

Use a short shutter speed or in a dark environment, illuminate the object for a short time while the shutter is open. (look up Harold Edgerton on the internet to see what that pioneer of high spped photography has accomplished)

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High mileage, worn out piston rings, pcv system not functioning properly,

How does the film relate to the shutter speed?

The slower the film -- that is, the lower the ISO rating -- the longer the shutter must stay open at a particular aperture (F-stop). In low light with slow film, the shutter may have to stay open too long for the camera to be hand-held without noticeable camera shake, even with cameras with optical image stabilization.

What causes rods or valves to tap in an engine?

Wear from high mileage, lack of oil changes or abuse could cause that.