

What causes a human being height increase?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Hi, There are numerous factors in a person's life that will determine their height. One of the most important is genetic which of course can not be controlled. This is obviously depends on your family. Factors which can be controlled include diet, obtaining sufficient sleep, and not smoking or drinking which can contribute to allowing a person to increase their height. Of course the body stops growing at a particular age so it's essential that before this stage is reached that the person uses the factors above to achieve their maximum. Strangely some people continue to grow beyond the age of 26 when grow is suppose to stop. It's usually due to a medical condition which affects the pitutary gland which is responsible for the production of growth hormone. I hope this information helps answer your question?

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Human Growth Hormone, or HGH, but ONLY when used under a doctor's care and with his or her knowledge that you are using it.

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Healthy eating for one. Definitely exercise and sufficient sleep, both of these activites increase the release of human growth hormone(HGH).

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